
📝 Bolt Extension to add the Geolocation FieldType

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1.1.10 2024-08-15 08:25 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-15 09:44:56 UTC


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This Extension was written for BoltCMS 4

This extension allows you to use fields of type: geolocation in your ContentTypes, as defined in contenttypes.yaml

composer require lordsimal/bolt-geolocation-field 

After that you will see a new config/extensions/bolt-geolocation.yaml file.

In here you have to insert your Google Maps JS API Key, otherwise the field won't work correctly!

# Settings for Bolt Geolocation Field

  apikey: "<my-api-key>"

See more about the Google Maps JS API Key bellow.

After that you can create a new field with the fieldtype geolocation

    name: Test
    singular_name: Test
            type: geolocation
    viewless: false
    taxonomy: [ ]
    locales: ['en', 'nl', 'pt_BR', 'es']
    singleton: true
    icon_many: "fa:home"
    icon_one: "fa:home"

Field can have autocompleteOptions key in order to set componentRestrictions for exemple

    type: geolocation
            country: 'us'

To see all options avalible, please refer you to google documentation

With that you can see the field in the backend:

Backend Field

You can search for places by selecting Search and then typing your desired place

Place Search

Or if you have Latitude and Longitude of your location you can input that via the Latitude & Longitude area.

Place Search

As you can see in the GIF you need to click the Update Google Map button when inputting manual Latitude and Longitude.

You can also set the zoom level as you desire

Place Search

Google Map API Key

If you don't already have an API key go to https://console.developers.google.com/ and create a new project.

After that you have to enable the following API's for this project:

  • Maps JavaScript API
    • This is needed to create Google Maps via JS
  • Places API
    • This is needed to have a nice search behaviour when your searching for places

After that you need to create an API Key via the Credentials Menu.

I would recommend you to restrict this key at least by HTTP referrers so only your website can use the API key.

This now generated API key needs to be inserted into your config/extensions/bolt-geolocation.yaml file.

Finally you will need to create a Billing Account under https://console.cloud.google.com/billing AND link it to your previously created API Console project

Google requires you to insert one, otherwise it won't work as desired.

See https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/usage-and-billing for more information.

Why did I choose Google Map JS API instead of an embeded version?

Trust me, I tried to implement this without the need of an API key.

But unfortunately Google only allows 1 iFrame per page to be loaded. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15388897/google-maps-inside-iframe-not-loading

Therefore you can't have multiple fields defined as type: geolocation because only the first one works and all the others won't.

And since there is (as far as I know) no Map Provider out there, which allows multiple embeded Maps without an API key I have chosen the most popular one.

Accessing the values in the frontend

Basically everything in the filed is saved inside a JSON.

BoltCMS returns that JSON as a string, therefore we have to decode it first.

{% set field_value = record.location %}

{% if field_value is not json %}
  The given field value for <code>{{ record.location.name }}</code> is not a valid json
{% else %}
  {% set location_json = record.location|json_decode() %}

  <div>Selected: {{ location_json.selected }}</div>
  <div>Zoom: {{ location_json.zoom }}</div>
  <div>Search: {{ location_json.search }}</div>
  <div>Latitude: {{ location_json.lat }}</div>
  <div>Longitude: {{ location_json.long }}</div>
{% endif %}
  • Record here is the current entry for the content type.

  • location is the name you have given the filed in the contenttypes.yaml

  • location_json.selected is either search or latlong

  • location_json.zoom is a value between 0 and 19

  • location_json.search is the searchterm aka the searched location

  • location_json.lat is the latitude value

  • location_json.long is the longitude value

Outputting a simple embedded map with an iframe

If you don't want to output the map yourself with the Google Map JS API you can use the data from above to output an embedded map via an iframe

{% set field_value = record.location %}

{% if field_value is not json %}
  The given field value for <code>{{ record.location.name }}</code> is not a valid json
{% else %}
  {% set location_json = record.location|json_decode() %}

  {% if location_json.selected == "search" %}
    {% set gmap_query = location_json.search|url_encode %}
  {% elseif location_json.selected == "latlong" %}
    {% set gmap_query = location_json.lat ~ ',' ~ location_json.long %}
  {% endif %}
  <div class="geolocation-field-iframe-wrapper">
    <iframe class="geolocation-field-iframe"
            src="https://maps.google.com/maps?q={{ gmap_query }}&t=&z={{ location_json.zoom }}&ie=UTF8&iwloc=&output=embed"
            frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
{% endif %}

I would recommend to you to set the following CSS in your application as well:

.geolocation-field-iframe {
    height: 500px; /* or what height you need */
    width: 100%;
.geolocation-field-iframe {
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;

WARNING: Google only allows 1 iFrame per URL. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15388897/google-maps-inside-iframe-not-loading

Therefore if you need to output multiple maps on one page you will need to implement the Google Maps JS API for yourself in your frontend.

Running PHPStan and Easy Codings Standard

First, make sure dependencies are installed:

COMPOSER_MEMORY_LIMIT=-1 composer update

And then run ECS:

vendor/bin/ecs check src