
Repository pattern boilerplate based on Annotated Models

1.1.2 2019-10-09 01:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-09 12:40:22 UTC


Raw is a quick repository pattern scaffolding package for laravel. It mixes Doctrine Annotations with Eloquent ORM to handle the structure of your project from the models.

Do you have something in mind? You should be able to build it from the very bottom without suffer.


composer require lordfm/raw

Add the provider to your app.php

'providers' = [
	* Lots of providers

Publish the raw.php configuiration file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LoRDFM\Raw\RawServiceProvider"

Annotate your model

Declare the use of LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\Rawable and add the annotation on top of your model. Be sure to not leave blank lines between the annotation and the class.



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\Rawable;

* @Rawable
class MyModel extends Model


Now, just run

php artisan raw:repository

What happened?. We just built our typical --resource Controller along with a Contract interface to declare all crud related methods and a Repository class to implement them.

Don't forget to bind your repositories in your Providers\AppServiceProvider.php

     * Bootstrap any application services.
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        // Other bindings

        $this->app->bind('App\Repositories\Contracts\MyModelContract', 'App\Repositories\MyModelRepository');

By default they will be stored in app\Http\Controllers , app\Repositories and app\Repositories\Contracts .

As you may be expecting, y can create complex models with relationships. We support the nex relationships

Realation Annotation
one to many @HasMany
many to one @BelongsTo
has one @HasOne


The annotations are pretty straight forward, ech one handles the relation of the model to another model and the declaration of the files holding the repository pattern.


Each model you want to be handled by the package should have this annotation.


An array of models with related as One to Many from the current model

@HasMany(models = {"Articles", "Books", ...})


An array of models with related as One to One from the current model

@HasOne(models = {"Profile", ...})


An array of models with related as Many to One from the current model

@BelongsTo(models = {"Author", "Publisher", ...})


Handles the cration of the interface class (aka 'contract') with the methods your repository and controller should implement. This is the core of the customization of the repository @RawableController and @RawableRepository requires the namespace of this annotation as argument Supports path and a namespace to store and declare the interface

@RawableContract(path = "app\Repository\Contracts", namespace = "App\Repository\Contracts")


Handles the creation of the controllers. Supports path, namespace and contract to store and declare the --resource style controller for your model.

* @RawableController(path = "app\Http\Controllers\Api", namespace = "App\Http\Controllers\Api", contract = "App\Repository\Contracts")


Handles the repository class creation. Supports path, namespace and contract to store and delcare the class

@RawableRepository(path = "app\Repository", namespace = "App\Repository", contract = "App\Repository\Contracts")

Now What?

Long story short, we are going to use a very well known example of related entities to demonstrate the use of the pluging. Classic Author -> Articles example:

Author model

namespace  App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\Rawable;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\HasMany;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\HasOne;

* @Rawable
* @HasMany(models = {"Article"})
* @HasOne(models = {"Profile"})
class  Author  extends  Model

    public  function  articles()
	    return  $this->hasMany('App\Models\Article');

    public  function  profile()
	    return  $this->hasOne('App\Models\Profile');

The Author holds a One to One relation to a Profilemodel nad One to Many to the Article model

Article model


namespace  App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\Rawable;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\BelongsTo;

* @Rawable
* @BelongsTo(models = {"Author"})
class  Article  extends  Model
    public  function  author()
    return  $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Author');

The Article holds Many to One to their author

Profile model


namespace  App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class  Profile  extends  Model
    public  function  author()
    return  $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Author');

The Profile model has no @Rawable implementation at all, not required for the moment.

Let's go!

Now, just run

 php artisan raw:repository

and it will tell you on wich model is working and creating its repository

Making repository for App\Models\Article
Making repository for App\Models\Author

If the repository for the model already exists you will be warned

Making repository for App\Models\Author
This Contract already exists. If you want to overwrite it use '--force'
This Repository already exists. If you want to overwrite it use '--force'
This Controller already exists. If you want to overwrite it use '--force'
This RouteGroup already exists. If you want to overwrite it use '--force'

You can overwrite them using --force

php artisan raw:repository --force

Be careful, the corresponding files will be completely overwritten. You may choose to run the command for just some models

php artisan raw:repository Author
php artisan raw:repository Author Article
php artisan raw:repository Author Article Publisher ...

Custom Structure

You can customize the contract, controller and repository for your model Just import the annotations and define them with your desired path and namespace Remember that RawableController and RawableRepository requires the namespace of their corresponding contract

namespace  App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\Rawable;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\RawableController;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\RawableContract;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\RawableRepository;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\HasMany;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\HasOne;

* @Rawable
* @HasMany(models = {"Article"})
* @HasOne(models = {"Profile"})
* @RawableContract(path = "app\Repository\Contracts", namespace = "App\Repository\Contracts")
* @RawableController(path = "app\Http\Controllers", namespace = "App\Http\Controllers", contract = "App\Repository\Contracts")
* @RawableRepository(path = "app\Repository", namespace = "App\Repository", contract = "App\Repository\Contracts")
class  Author  extends  Model

    public  function  articles()
	    return  $this->hasMany('App\Models\Article');

    public  function  profile()
	    return  $this->hasOne('App\Models\Profile');

Multiple Endpoints

You might want multiple endpoints with similar implementation, like a Guest and Api implementation for unauthenticated and authenticated users. Just define multiple groups of RawableContract, RawableController and RawableRepository Here is an example...


namespace  App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\Rawable;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\RawableController;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\RawableContract;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\RawableRepository;
use LoRDFM\Raw\Annotations\BelongsTo;

* @Rawable
* @BelongsTo(models = {"Author"})
* @RawableContract(path = "app\Repository\Api\Contracts", namespace = "App\Repository\Api\Contracts")
* @RawableController(path = "app\Http\Controllers\Api", namespace = "App\Http\Controllers",  contract = "App\Repository\Api\Contracts")
* @RawableRepository(path = "app\Repository\Api", namespace = "App\Repository\Api", contract = "App\Repository\Api\Contracts")
* @RawableContract(path = "app\Repository\Guest\Contracts", namespace = "App\Repository\Guest\Contracts")
* @RawableController(path = "app\Http\Controllers\Guest", namespace = "App\Http\Controllers",  contract = "App\Repository\Guest\Contracts")
* @RawableRepository(path = "app\Repository\Guest", namespace = "App\Repository\Guest", contract = "App\Repository\Guest\Contracts")
class  Article  extends  Model
    public  function  author()
    return  $this->belongsTo('App\Models\Author');

Test boilerplate

You can generate some Unit test boilerplate for you repository

 php artisan raw:repository --test


  • Write the comment with no space before the class declaration.
  • in @RawableController and @RawableController the contract argument is the namespace of the corresponding contract, not the final inflected class name
  • Do not forget to bind your repositories in your Providers\AppServiceProvider.php