
A PHP library for RFC 4226 and RFC 6238.

1.0.2 2020-05-19 06:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-30 02:42:27 UTC


A PHP library for RFC 4226 and RFC 6238.

Latest Stable Version Minimum PHP Version Coverage Status


  • PHP version from 5.6.* up to latest.


  • Recommended to install using Composer. Use the command below to install the package:
composer require lorddashme/php-two-factor-auth



  • To generate HMAC-based One-Time Password algorithm:

require __DIR__  . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\RFC4226\HOTP;
use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\Utility\Base32;

$secret = Base32::encode('P@ssw0rd!');

$hotp = new HOTP($secret);


echo $hotp->get(); // 444555
  • To verify the generated HOTP:

require __DIR__  . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\RFC4226\HOTP;
use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\Utility\Base32;

$secret = Base32::encode('P@ssw0rd!');

$hotp = new HOTP($secret);


echo $hotp->verify('444555'); // true


  • To generate Time-Based One-Time Password algorithm:

require __DIR__  . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\RFC6238\TOTP;
use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\Utility\Base32;

$secret = Base32::encode('P@ssw0rd!');

$totp = new TOTP($secret);


echo $totp->get(); // 552344
  • To verify the generated TOTP:

require __DIR__  . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\RFC6238\TOTP;
use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\Utility\Base32;

$secret = Base32::encode('P@ssw0rd!');

$totp = new TOTP($secret);


echo $totp->verify('552344'); // true

Google Authenticator Barcode Generation

  • To generate a barcode image that will use by the Google Authenticator mobile app:

require __DIR__  . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\Utility\Base32;
use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\GoogleAuthenticator\BarcodeURL;
use LordDashMe\TwoFactorAuth\GoogleAuthenticator\TOTPFormat;

$secret = Base32::encode('P@ssw0rd!');
$accountUser = 'reyesjoshuaclifford@gmail.com';
$issuer = 'TwoFactorAuth';
$digits = 6;
$period = 30;
$algorithm = 'sha1';

$format = new TOTPFormat($period);

$barcodeURL = new BarcodeURL($secret, $accountUser, $issuer, $format);

$barcodeURL->setAlgorithm($algorithm) // sha1 (Default), sha256, sha512

echo $barcodeURL->get(); // https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&chld=M|0&cht=qr&chl=otpauth://totp/TwoFactorAuth:reyesjoshuaclifford@gmail.com?secret=KBAHG43XGBZGIII&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&period=30&issuer=TwoFactorAuth

Other Reference


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.