
dev-master 2021-01-25 12:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 20:56:40 UTC


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This validation library fast, easy to use yet very powerful and flexible solution. Unlike many other libraries it does not try to give you 'validation rules' for all possible cases because those implementations might not fit your requirements and using such libraries is a pain. Instead it provides an extremely simple way of adding custom validation rules.

Also it supports caching of validation rules which makes it very fast. Custom error codes and messages are supported as well. Error messages could be customized/localized and support placeholders.

Usage sample

$validator = v::validator([
    'sku'           => r::required(r::sku()),
    'amount'        => r::required(r::amount(5)),
    'delivery_date' => r::nullable(r::deliveryDate()),
    'email'         => r::email(),
    'address1'      => r::required(r::address1()),
    'address2'      => r::address2(),
    'accepted'      => r::required(r::areTermsAccepted()),

$input = [
    'sku'    => '...',
    'amount' => '...',

if ($validator->validate($input)) {
    // use validated/converted/sanitized inputs
    $validated = $validator->getCaptures();
} else {
    // print validation errors
    $errors = $validator->getErrors();

Full sample code is here.

As you can see such custom rules as sku, amount, deliveryDate, address1, address2 and areTermsAccepted could be perfectly combined with built-in required and nullable. It makes the rules reusable in CREATE and UPDATE operations where typically inputs are required on creation and optional on update.

How easy to write those rules? Many could be made from built-in ones below (e.g. amount, address1, address2 and areTermsAccepted)

equals, notEquals, inValues, lessThan, lessOrEquals, moreThan, moreOrEquals, between, stringLengthBetween, stringLengthMin, stringLengthMax, regexp, nullable, stringToBool, stringToDateTime, stringToFloat, stringToInt, stringArrayToIntArray, andX, orX, ifX, success, fail, required, enum, filter, isArray, isString, isBool, isInt, isFloat, isNumeric, isDateTime

class Rules extends \Limoncello\Validation\Rules
    public static function sku(): RuleInterface
        return static::stringToInt(new IsSkuRule());

    public static function amount(int $max): RuleInterface
        return static::stringToInt(static::between(1, $max));

    public static function deliveryDate(): RuleInterface
        return static::stringToDateTime(DateTime::ISO8601, new IsDeliveryDateRule());

    public static function email(): RuleInterface
        return static::isString(
            static::filter(FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, null, Errors::IS_EMAIL, static::stringLengthMax(255))

    public static function address1(): RuleInterface
        return static::isString(static::stringLengthBetween(1, 255));

    public static function address2(): RuleInterface
        return static::nullable(static::isString(static::stringLengthMax(255)));

    public static function areTermsAccepted(): RuleInterface
        return static::stringToBool(static::equals(true));

Custom rule such as IsSkuRule might require quering database and could be added with minimal overhead

class IsSkuRule extends ExecuteRule
    public static function execute($value, ContextInterface $context): array
        $pdo   = $context->getContainer()->get(PDO::class);
        $isSku = ...;

        return $isSku === true ?
            self::createSuccessReply($value) :
            self::createErrorReply($context, $value, Errors::IS_VALID_SKU);

When validator is created a developer can pass PSR Container with custom services and have access to this container from validation rules. Thus validation could be easily integrated with application logic.

Sample application


$ composer require lolltec/limoncello-php-validation

Note: for message translation PHP-intl is needed.


Any related issues please send to limoncello.


$ composer test