
Hours admin api SDK

1.1.3 2021-05-28 11:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-28 18:18:33 UTC



  • composer require locally/hours-admin-sdk


Depending on what API you need, you can simply instantiate the needed class:

Available classes:

  • LocationApi
  • BusinessApi
  • CrawlerApi
  • HolidayApi
  • SundayShoppingApi


$locationApi = new LocationApi('API_TOKEN');
  • Argument 1: Api token that needs to correspond to the chosen enviroment (production/staging). Default environment is production.
  • Argument 2 (optional): Boolean that sets the correct api url to production OR staging server. True = production (default), false = staging.

Then you can simply execute any of the available methods in the class, examples:

$locationApi->index()               // return all the locations
$locationApi->show($hash)           // return location with matching $hash and highest version
$locationApi->update($arrayOfData)  // update location based on the passed array and return
$locationApi->store($arrayOfData)   // store new location based on the passed array and return