
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the ergebnis/factory-girl-definition package instead.

Provides an interface for, and an easy way to find and register entity definitions for breerly/factory-girl-php.

2.0.1 2019-12-14 08:48 UTC


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Provides an interface for, and an easy way to find and register entity definitions for breerly/factory-girl-php.



$ composer require --dev ergebnis/factory-girl-definition


Create Definitions

Implement one of the

  • Ergebnis\FactoryGirl\Definition\Definition
  • Ergebnis\FactoryGirl\Definition\FakerAwareDefinition

interfaces and use the instance of FactoryGirl\Provider\Doctrine\FixtureFactory that is passed into accept() to define entities:


namespace Foo\Bar\Test\Fixture\Entity;

use Ergebnis\FactoryGirl\Definition\Definition;
use FactoryGirl\Provider\Doctrine\FixtureFactory;
use Foo\Bar\Entity;

final class UserDefinition implements Definition
    public function accept(FixtureFactory $fixtureFactory): void
        $fixtureFactory->defineEntity(Entity\User::class, [
            // ...

💡 Any number of entities can be defined within a definition. However, it's probably a good idea to create a definition for each entity.

Register Definitions

Lazily instantiate an instance of FactoryGirl\Provider\Doctrine\FixtureFactory and use Definitions to find definitions, register definitions with the fixture factory, and optionally provide definitions with an instance of Faker\Generator:


namespace Foo\Bar\Test\Integration;

use Doctrine\ORM;
use Ergebnis\FactoryGirl\Definition\Definitions;
use FactoryGirl\Provider\Doctrine\FixtureFactory;
use Faker\Generator;
use PHPUnit\Framework;

abstract class AbstractIntegrationTestCase extends Framework\TestCase
     * @var FixtureFactory
    private $fixtureFactory;

    final protected function entityManager(): ORM\EntityManager
        // ...

    final protected function faker(): Generator
        // ...

    final protected function fixtureFactory(): FixtureFactory
        if (null === $this->fixtureFactory) {
            $fixtureFactory = new FixtureFactory($this->entityManager());

            Definitions::in(__DIR__ . '/../Fixture')

            $this->fixtureFactory = $fixtureFactory;

        return $this->fixtureFactory;


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Code of Conduct

Please have a look at CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md.

This package is licensed using the MIT License.


This package is licensed using the MIT License.

Please have a look at LICENSE.md.

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