
Live CMS Forms

v0.0.1 2018-07-22 15:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-22 07:03:10 UTC


What is ?

This package can make form component (ie. textbox, select, radio, checkbox) based on array of setting.

Besides that, You can also create your own component consist of html and javascript.


  • All benefits of LaravelCollective HTML packages
  • Create form and the components based array of settings
  • Support Jquery Validation
  • Available Components that ready to use :
    • Textbox
    • Telephone
    • Number
    • Email
    • Password
    • Textarea
    • Checkbox
    • Radio
    • Select
    • Select2
    • Image
    • Boolean (Radio button with Yes/No options)
  • Define your own component
  • Define your own validation script


How to use?

Install via composer

composer require livecms/forms

Publish config file :

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LiveCMS\Form\FormServiceProvider"

Edit 'form.php' config file.

Creating form :

// controller

use LiveCMS\Form\Forms;

$form = Forms::create()->setComponents([...])->render();

// view
{!! Form::open(['url' => '/your/route']) !!}
{!! $form !!}
{!! Form::close() !!}

{!! Form::javascript()  !!}

Set in form :

it has same arguments for Form::open() in LaravelCollective HTML

// controller
$form = Forms::create(['url' => '/your/route', 'method' => 'PUT', 'class' => 'form-inline'])

// view
{!! $form !!}
{!! Form::javascript()  !!}

You can create multiple forms and set a name for each form :

// controller

// view
{!! Form::render('form1') !!}
{!! Form::render('form2') !!}

{!! Form::javascript()  !!}

Available components :

you can see the files in folder :

  • Textbox, type : 'text'
  • Telephone, type : 'tel'
  • Number, type : 'number'
  • Email, type : 'email'
  • Password, type : 'password'
  • Textarea, type : 'textarea'
  • Checkbox, type : 'checkbox'
  • Radio, type : 'radio'
  • Select, type : 'select'
  • Select2, type : 'select2'
  • Image, type : 'image'
  • Boolean, type : 'boolean'

How to use components :

$components = [
    'comp1' => [
        'type' => 'text', // required
        'label' => null, // optional
        'value' => null, // optional
        'default' => null, // optioal
        'options' => [], // optional and this only for checkbox, radio, select, select2
        'attributes' => [], // optional
    'comp-n' => [
        'type' => 'select',
        'options' => [
            'one', 'two', 'three',
        'attributes' => [
            'required' => true,
            'class' => 'input-select',


Add global properties :

        'required' => '*', // implemented to all components, you can use empty array []
        'class:input-select' => ['province', 'city', 'region'],
        'data-image:landscape' => ['image', 'cover'],

// the result all of defined components will get what you write in key of the array
// example for : 'data-image:landscape' => ['image', 'cover']
// the result  :
 * <input type="file" name="image" data-image="landscape" />
 * <input type="file" name="cover" data-image="landscape" />

Add custom component :

  • Create a Class, you can extends a class from 'LiveCMS\Form\Components\BaseComponent' class in
    Since it contains an abstract method render(), you have to define your own render() method. You can also see the example from available components or extends from it. See all files in folder
  • Define your custome components in 'form' config file :
    'components' => [
        'text' => \App\Forms\CustomeTextbox::class,
        'image' => \App\Forms\CustomeImage::class,

Use Validation Script


You can disable validation by :


Note : by default, validation script require jquery validation js

Custom Validation

  • Create your own javascript file
  • Define it in 'form' config file :
        'scripts' => [
            'validation' => '/path/to/javascript/file',

Add custom scripts

  • Create your own javascript file
  • Define it in 'form' config file, but use other name despite 'validation' because it is reserved only for validation :
        'scripts' => [
            'validation' => '/path/to/javascript/file',
            'customscript' => '/path/to/javascript/file',
  • Call it

If you want to cancel adding script, fill second argument with 'false':

->addScript('script_name', false)

Fill form with datas

$components = [
    'name' => ['type' => 'text'],
    'email' => ['type' => 'email'],
$datas = ['name' => 'Mokhamad Rofiudin', 'email' => ''];




Fork this repo and make a pull request


Please create new issue or see the closed issues too.