
Classes for request to Liquido BR Virgo API.

0.0.8 2023-03-15 19:53 UTC


This is a library for PHP applications to easily connect with Liquido BR PayIn API.


You can add this in your composer.json file to download this library as a dependency. Ex:

"require": {
    "liquido-brl/payin-php-sdk": "0.0.4"


All you need to do now is using the PHP classes as the example bellow:

use \LiquidoBrl\PayInPhpSdk\Util\Config;
use \LiquidoBrl\PayInPhpSdk\Util\Brazil\PaymentMethod;
use \LiquidoBrl\PayInPhpSdk\Util\PaymentFlow;
use \LiquidoBrl\PayInPhpSdk\Model\PayInRequest;
use \LiquidoBrl\PayInPhpSdk\Service\PayInService;
use \LiquidoBrl\PayInPhpSdk\Util\Country;
use \LiquidoBrl\PayInPhpSdk\Util\Currency;


$isLiveMode = false;

$config = new Config(
        'clientId' => "your client id",
        'clientSecret' => "your client secret",
        'apiKey' => "your api key"

$payInRequest = new PayInRequest([
    "idempotencyKey" => "your idempotency key",
    "amount" => 100,
    "currency" => Currency::BRL,
    "country" => Country::BRAZIL,
    "paymentMethod" => PaymentMethod::PIX_STATIC_QR,
    "paymentFlow" => PaymentFlow::DIRECT,
    "callbackUrl" => "your callback url",
    "payer" => [
        "email" => "your customer email"
    "description" => "Product A",

$payInService = new PayInService();
$payInResponse = $payInService->createPayIn($config, $payInRequest);