lipad / lipad-sdk
Secure and user-friendly checkout and direct charge API SDK for PHP applications for Lipad Transactions.
The Lipad SDK for PHP facilitates the integration of Lipad's payment and checkout features into your PHP applications. This comprehensive guide will assist you in the setup and utilization of the Lipad SDK.
Before getting started, ensure you have the following:
- PHP installed on your server or development environment.
- Lipad API credentials, including the IV Key, Consumer Secret, Consumer Key.
Download the Lipad SDK: Download the Lipad SDK and include it in your project.
# Example using Composer composer require lipad/lipad-sdk
Include the Composer autoloader in your PHP file:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
Instantiate the Lipad class with your credentials:
use Lipad\LipadSdk\Lipad; // Replace these values with your actual credentials $IVKey = 'your_iv_key'; $consumerSecret = 'your_consumer_secret'; $environment = 'sandbox';
Checkout Usage
To initialize the Lipad class, provide the $IVKey, $consumerKey, $consumerSecret, and $environment parameters. The $environment should be one of the following: 'production' or 'sandbox'.
$lipad = new Lipad($IVKey, $consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $environment);
Validate Payload
try { $lipad->validateCheckoutPayload($payload); } catch (Exception $error) { echo 'Error: ' . $error->getMessage() . "\n"; }
Encrypt Payload
$encryptedPayload = $lipad->encrypt($payload);
Get Checkout Status
try { $lipad->getCheckoutStatus($payload["merchant_transaction_id"]); } catch (Exception $error) { echo 'Error: ' . $error->getMessage() . "\n"; }
Build Checkout URL
try { $checkoutUrl = '' . urlencode($accessKey) . '&payload=' . urlencode($encryptedPayload); echo 'Checkout URL: ' . $checkoutUrl . "\n"; } catch (Exception $error) { echo 'Error: ' . $error->getMessage() . "\n"; }
Direct API Usage
To initialize the Lipad class, provide the $IVKey, $consumerSecret, and $environment parameters. The $environment should be one of the following: 'production' or 'sandbox'.
$lipad = new Lipad($IVKey, $consumerSecret, $environment);
Direct Charge
try { $lipad->DirectCharge($payload); } catch (Exception $error) { echo 'Error: ' . $error->getMessage() . "\n"; }
Get Charge Request Status
try { $lipad->getChargeRequestStatus($chargeRequestId); } catch (Exception $error) { echo 'Error: ' . $error->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; }