
Fast form definition for laravel models with validation and views

dev-master 2020-06-01 22:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-29 01:01:33 UTC


Quick and easy form and view creation for laravel models, with validations.


Install from composer.

composer require lintaba/laravel-fastforms

Add its trait to your controller:


use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\View\View;

class ItemController
    # 1. add fastform's trait
    use \lintaba\fastforms\HasFormTrait;
    # 2. set up your show, edit, update, create, store methods as needed.
    public function show(Item $item) : View{
        $form = $this->getForm();
        return view('', compact('item', 'form'));
    public function edit(Item $item) : View{
        $form = $this->getForm();
        return view('item.edit', compact('item', 'form'));
    public function create() : View{
        $form = $this->getForm();
        return view('item.create', compact('form'));
    public function update(Request $request, Item $item)
        $requestData = $this->getValidInput($request, $extraValidationRules = [], $item);
        return redirect()->back();
    public function store(Request $request)
        $requestData = $this->getValidInput($request, $extraValidationRules = []);
        $item= new Item;
        return redirect()->back();
    # 3. 
   public function getForm($id = null){
        return [
            ['field'=>'name', 'type'=>'text'],

For your view, you should add the following:

@include('Fastforms::form', compact('form'))

@include('Fastforms::view', compact('form', 'item'))

@include('Fastforms::form', compact('form', 'item'))

Template options

Name Type Description
form components[] required, recieved from getForm()
item Entity / ArrayAccess either the edited/showed entity, or a similar array.
tag string Defines localization group. If not provided, it defaults to the item's singular name, eg the name of \App\Users will be translated by using Can be overriden on component level. Useful if you are using it without models.


Each form entry can be:

  • A string, as a category label.
  • An array, that sets up a component.

#####Each component have the following properties:

Name Type Description
field string required the related property path of the model. ie. name, but it supports, dot notation too, like extra_attributes.looks_like_a_potato, if the attribute is casted to object or array.
type string required anything from available controller types.
virtual boolean if defined as true, it will not be processed. Usefull for virtual fields, that you controll separetly in the controller.
disabled boolean true means it will not be writable, will not be stored.
nullable boolean true means its value can become null. Usefull ie. for the reference type, and anywhere else where you'd rather store null on the field instead of its empty value.
uncheckedWrite boolean by default, we check if a model property is defined as fillable. This behavior is turned off, if it is defined as true. Otherwise an LogicException will be thrown
required boolean denotes that the field is required, and should have a non-empty value.
label string sets the label value of the field. If not defined, it will autogenerated, like trans("").
tag string overwrites how field labels are rendered for localization, if no label is explicitly defined.
default string default value.
validation string / array laravel validation rules for the given dataset.

#####Most component have the following properties:

Name Type Description
if string if defined, hides the field, shows only if the other defined field is not null. Needs js. #TODO
class string extra css classes for the field (or all of its subfields).
attributes string extra Form::text attributeses for the field (or all of its subfields).
description string htmlable extra textual description, usually below the field.

#####Available controller types:

  • address
  • boolean
  • button
  • date
  • datetime
  • json
  • (label)
  • listarray
  • matrix
  • multiselect
  • number
  • password
  • rangeRepeater
  • reference
  • repeater
  • select
  • text
  • textarea
  • textWithCheckbox

###Options #####address Based on Form::select and Form::text. Consist of multiple subfields:

  • country
  • zip
  • city
  • street
  • house
  • extra

for any field its stored and retrieverd as field_country, field_zip, etc.

Name Type Description
countries array list of available countries. If not specified, it will use the default. See below.
class_* string extra css classes for * subfield.
attributes_* string extra Form::text attributeses for * subfield.
default[*] array default value of the given subfield

#####boolean Based on Form::checkbox.

Name Type Description
truthValue string value of checked item. Defaults to 1.

#####button Simple html button

Name Type Description
role string of bootstrap level defaults to default. can be warning,success,danger, etc.
button string required the id of the button.

Extra translations:

  • $tag . $button . '.label'
  • $tag . $button . '.title'

#####date Built uppon Form::text of type date. Needs js #TODO Data should implement ?DateTimeInterface

Name Type Description
prepend string If defined, it will be added as a prepended text on the input, as it works with bootstrap.
today boolean If defined, a today button will be added to the end fo the input.
format string php formatstring. Defaults to Y-m-d.
min string begining date

#####datetime Built uppon Form::text of type datetime. Needs js #TODO Data should implement ?DateTimeInterface

Name Type Description
prepend string If defined, it will be added as a prepended text on the input, as it works with bootstrap.
today boolean If defined, a today button will be added to the end fo the input.
format string php formatstring. Defaults to Y-m-d H:i:s.
min string begining date

#####json Built uppon Form::textarea. Validates against regex rules.

#####listarray Multiple radio based selects. Usefull for score scales, rights, multiple yes/no's.

Note: If for some reason the current value is not exists (eg. definiton has been changed, but data hasnt been migrated), an extra option will be visible with the current value.

Name Type Description
options string[] required List of possible values. (column definition)
source string[] required List of data values. (row definition)
labels string[] translated label for each row.

#####matrix Matrix of checkboxes. Stored like field.1_2 = 1.

Name Type Description
source string[] required List of data values. (row and column definition)
labels string[] translated label for each row.
key string format of key. defaults to %s_%s (vertical_horizontal)

#####multiselect Based on Form::select. Multiple options select.

Name Type Description
options array Possibly selectable options.
trans string If set, it will translate all options, with the provided prefix.


Based on Form::text. Shows a steppable numeric field. Used for incremental-styled data.

Name Type Description
prepend string prepends something before the number (eg. $)
append string appends something after the number (eg. pcs)
min int minimal value. defaults to 0.
max int maximal value. Defaults to 1 000 000.
step float step value. Defaults to 1.

#####password Based on Form::password.

#####rangeRepeater List to define values for given ranges. Eg. price should be 0 for distances of 1-10 km, and 100 for further. Note: TODO, fancy format. Note: Needs js.

#####reference References to an external entry, basicly a belongsTo.

Name Type Description
builder QueryBuilder Laravel QueryBuilder to make the query.
id string id field. Defaults to id.
attr string shown attr of the models. Can use virtual fields only if an Eloquent Query Builder has been passed.

#####repeater An array of values. Extendable list. Format: item[i][subfield].

Name Type Description
subfield string property where the field belongs inside parent collection.
max int maxlength attribute of the field


Based on Form::select.

Name Type Description
options array Possibly selectable options.
trans string If set, it will translate all options, with the provided prefix.

#####text Based on Form::text.

Note: Only one of prepend, prepend_btn is available at the same time.

Note: Only one of append, append_btn, fillfrom is available at the same time.

Name Type Description
prepend ?string prepends something before the input
prepend_btn ?string prepends a button before the input, with a class of btn-$prepend_btn, that you may add custom code to handle.
append ?string appends something afterthe input
append_btn ?string appends a button after the input, with a class of btn-$append_btn, that you may add custom code to handle.
max int maxlength attribute of the field
fillfrom ?string Adds a button to copy the content of another field to the current field.


  • $tag.$prepend_btn.'.title'
  • $tag.$prepend_btn.'.text'
  • $tag.$append_btn.'.title'
  • $tag.$append_btn.'.text' #####textarea

Based on Form::textarea

Name Type Description
rows int row count. Defaults to 2.


Same as text, but there is an exta checkbox at the end of it, that is visible only when the text is filled with some data.

Name Type Description
sub component checkbox component definition fo a checkbox.

##Validation Inputted data gets automatically validated, based on what is being provided in its validation property.