
A Slim Framework skeleton application for rapid development

v1.0.0 2019-04-19 23:02 UTC


Skeleton based on Slim 3.

Install the Application

Run this command from the directory in which you want to install your new Slim Framework application.

php composer.phar create-project lindalberto/php-slim [my-app-name]

Replace [my-app-name] with the desired directory name for your new application. You'll want to:

  • Point your virtual host document root to your new application's public/ directory.
  • Ensure logs/ is web writeable.

To run the application in development, you can run these commands

cd [my-app-name]
php composer.phar start

Run this command in the application directory to run the test suite

php composer.phar test

That's it! Now go build something cool.

###Estruturas criadas

    * Project - Remove o que estava na index e agrupa numa classe unica, tirando necessidade do arquivo settings, dependencies e routes.
        No run é possível adicionar tambem middlewares.
    * Rest - Classe abtrata para ser utilizada no controle dos endpoints, com o app injetado.
    * Routes - Utiliza essa classe de forma injetável para informar as rotas. Cada endpoint rest pode ter seu proprio.  
    ** alocação das classes de controle    
    ** alocação das classes de serviço