
A simple symfony bundle for kafka

1.0.0 2023-12-27 20:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-27 22:11:00 UTC



To install the symfony kafka bundle just execute the following composer command:

composer require limlabs/kafka-bundle



To use the kafka bundle you have to configure at least the default connection.
Example of such a configuration:

# config/packages/kafka.yaml

      brokers: 'kafka:9092' #A comma separated list of kafka brokers
      log_level: LOG_DEBUG #The rdkafka log level (PHP-Constants)
      debug: all #Which debug information should be printed by rdkafka. You can remove this to disable it

If you have multiple specific kafka connections, you can add multiple clients to this configuration.

# config/packages/kafka.yaml

      brokers: 'kafka:9092'
      log_level: LOG_DEBUG
      debug: all
      brokers: 'kafka2:9092,kafka3:9092'
      log_level: LOG_ERROR

Sending messages to kafka

To send message to a topic over the default configuration you can simply use the factory to get the KafkaClient. From the KafkaClient you can get the producer for your kafka connection. With this producer you can create a topic in which you can send a message with the produce function. The createTopic automatically gets an existing topic or creates a new one, if the specified topic does not exist. Here an example of this in a symfony controller:

namespace App\Controller;

use LimLabs\KafkaBundle\Factory\KafkaFactory;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class ExampleController extends AbstractController
    public function __construct(
        private readonly KafkaFactory  $kafkaFactory
    ) {

    #[Route('/example', name: 'app_example')]
    public function index(): JsonResponse
        $client = $this->kafkaFactory->getKafkaClient();
        $producer = $client->getProducer();


⚠️ Don't forget the $producer->flush() method call. Without it, you will lose data!

To get a KafkaClient for a specific connection, just set the name of the desired connection as a parameter in the getKafkaClient function of the factory.

$client = $this->kafkaFactory->getKafkaClient('different_client');

Consuming kafka topics

Implementing a consumer

To consume kafka topics, you need to setup a class which implements the KafkaConsumer-Interface. This interface automatically tags the class correctly for symfony DI and forces you to implement the consume and the getConsumerConfiguration functions.
Here is a quick example of this:


namespace App\Consumers;

use LimLabs\KafkaBundle\Enum\ConsumerResponse;
use LimLabs\KafkaBundle\Kafka\Consumer\ConsumerConfiguration;
use LimLabs\KafkaBundle\Kafka\Consumer\KafkaConsumer;

class ExampleQueueConsumer implements KafkaConsumer
    public function consume(string $message): ConsumerResponse
        return ConsumerResponse::SUCCESS;

    public function getConsumerConfiguration(): ConsumerConfiguration
        return ConsumerConfiguration::createConfiguration([
            'consumer_group' => 'example_consumer_group',
            'connection' => 'different_client', #if you do not set this 'default' will be used
            'subscribed_topics' => [

In the getConsumerConfiguration function you have to return a ConsumerConfiguration-Object. This describes the specific configuration for the consumer. The array keys consumer_group and subscribed_topics are required. Without these, an exception will be thrown.
You can create the configuration object like in the previous example or like this:

public function getConsumerConfiguration(): ConsumerConfiguration
    $configuration = new ConsumerConfiguration();
    return $configuration; 

The consume function gets called on each message that comes in over the specified topics. This function has to return a ConsumerResponse.
The following responses are valid:


The SUCCESS response signalises the executor that everything gone well. The ERROR_DROP response informs the executor of an error. In this case, an error message will be logged in the terminal, but the message will be dropped if you don't take care of it yourself!
In return of ERROR_DROP, there is ERROR_REQUEUE, which sends the payload of the message back to the Kafka topic from which it came to prevent data loss.

⚠️ The use of ERROR_REQUEUE can lead to infinit loops between the consumer and Kafka.

Executing a consumer

To list all via symfony DI loaded consumers, you can use the following command:

bin/console kafka:consumers:list

Which would return something like this:


Now to start a consumer use the following command:

bin/console kafka:topic:consume [CLASS_PATH]

If you don't give the class path as an argument, the executor will automatically start the first loaded consumer. If the consumer started correctly you will be greeted by the following message:

 [INFO] 20:11 27-12-2023 Consumer [App\Consumers\ExampleQueueConsumer] running... Waiting for messages

🎉 Congrats now is your consumer consuming messages!