
Helps create a structure for using BEM blocks.

2.2.4 2021-02-04 13:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 00:07:33 UTC


What is it

Helps create an MVC structure for BEM blocks.


composer require lightsource/bem-blocks

Required file structure

Target namespace must support PSR-4, because the namespace and a Controller class name will have used for dynamic getting a path to a twig template.

Classes that extend a Controller class should have a '_C' suffix (it can be setup). It's using for prevent names conflict (because each folder will contain a child of Controller and child of Model)

E.g. 'FirstHeader_C.php' will be converting to 'first-header.twig' and 'Header_Type_Short_C.php' will be converting to 'header--type--short.php'

An example is below.

        FirstHeader.php // it's a model

Example of usage

a) Include and setup the package
use LightSource\BemBlocks\Settings;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

Settings::Instance()->setBlocksDirPath( '[Path to a blocks directory here]' );
Settings::Instance()->setBlocksDirNamespace( '[Blocks directory namespace here]' ); // e.g. Project\Blocks
b) Create a new block
    FirstHeader_C.php // extends Controller
    FirstHeader.php // extends Model
    first-header.twig // template

FirstHeader_C.php (extends Controller)

use LightSource\BemBlocks\CONTROLLER;

 * Class FirstHeader_C
class FirstHeader_C extends CONTROLLER {

	//////// construct

	 * FirstHeader_C constructor.
	public function __construct() {
		parent::__construct( new FirstHeader() );

	//////// override extend methods

	 * @return FirstHeader
	public function getModel() {
		return parent::getModel();


FirstHeader.php (extends Model)

use LightSource\BemBlocks\MODEL;

 * Class FirstHeader
class FirstHeader extends MODEL {

	//////// fields

	 * @var string
	protected $_value;

	//////// constructor

	 * FirstHeader constructor.
	public function __construct() {


        $this->_value = '';


	//////// override extend methods (optional)

	 * @return array
	public function getArgs() {
		return [
			'value' => $this->_value,

	//////// methods

	 * @param int $id
	 * @return void
	public function loadById( $id ) {
		$this->_value = 'Test with ' . $id;

c) Render the block in a target place
$firstHeaderC = new FirstHeader_C();
echo $firstHeaderC->render();


a) Feel free to extend the Controller class functionality, e.g. you can add auto loading resources with using a built-in InitAll() method.

b) The Model class has enabled by default an auto loading protected fields option.

So you can just declare protected fields and then fill them in your load method. (Don't need to init variables with simple types (int|float|bool|string|array) in your construct, it already has done).

Also the Model->getArgs() method will be auto filling them, so don't need to do it manually.