

1. What is it?

It's a composer package that provides an alternative way to working with ACF groups in code.

2. Why should I use this package instead of built-in ACF functions, get/set_field?

Acf groups have nice admin UI, but when you use get/set_field functions in your code you have some issue due to it. The biggest are :

a) Types issue

get_field function using for getting fields with all types.
It means you always should keep in mind, what type of value (int/string/bool...) will be returned, and also remember that NULL will be returned if there is no value.
Together it's a place where making a lot of mistakes.

b) Syncing issue

Every group change must be synced with your code.
There is a nice built-in feature, local .json files, it uses for caching (no DB requests needed) and syncing between different environments (like Dev/Live), but it can't solve this issue.
E.g. when you're changing a field name in admin UI, then you've to find all places where the name is used and replace. IDE suggestions won't work here. Usually there are a lot of groups, and some fields have similar names. Often it's very difficult to understand is it the target name, that should be renamed or another. The same happens with all other changes, like type change or adding a new field.

3. What suggests the package?

  • OOP way - every group has own class, every class field corresponds to a group field.
  • Fields have strict php types (int/string...) and public visibility, so no setters/getters are required (time saving during creating).
  • All class fields will be automatically initialized with default values in a constructor (depending on a type)
  • Call load() method with the source argument (like $postId), and values will be read from a DB and saved into the class fields.
  • If you want to modify the values, you can just update the public fields and call a save() method, it'll find out differences with the default values and will save into a database.

The package provides two ways to use a group :

a) Local acf groups

The local groups acf feature will be used (read about the 'acf_add_local_field_group' function).
It means the package will get all necessary information about the group from a class, and will create a local acf group.
This group won't be shown in admin UI groups list, but will work like an ordinary group, so fields will be shown on chosen locations (post/page screen...) and can be read from code.
In this case you don't need to take care of about syncing, for example you can just add a new field into a class, and it'll be applied for admin UI, and be available in your code, no database changes are required

b) Db representation

If the first way doesn't work or doesn't suit you, e.g. for legacy groups, or you still want to have admin UI groups list, then you can use group classes as a representation of DB groups,
so it solves the types issue, and partially syncing issue, it means code changes still are required, but will be done within one file and IDE will help in this case

4. How to use

a) Install the package

composer require lightsource/acf-groups

b) Require the composer autoloader

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendors/vendor/autoload.php';

c) Create groups (that extend the AcfGroup class), create group instances using the creator and load/save values

use LightSource\AcfGroups\AcfGroup;
use LightSource\AcfGroups\Creator;

class MyGroup extends AcfGroup
    // this constant has sense only if you use the local acf groups way, see more in the Notes
    const LOCATION_RULES = [
            'post_type == page',

    // supported simple types : string, int, float, bool
    public string $firstName;
    public string $lastName;
    // clones feature, more in the Notes
    public SecondGroup $secondGroup;
    // repeater of clones feature, more in the Notes
     * @item \Namespace\SecondGroup
    public array $secondGroups;


// use one creator instance for all groups
$creator = new Creator();
$myGroup = $creator->create(MyGroup::class);

echo $myGroup->firstName;

$myGroup->firstName = 'NewName';

d) Optionally. Only if you use the local acf groups way

Sign up your groups in ACF

use LightSource\AcfGroups\Loader;

$loader  = new Loader();
$loader->signUpGroups('YOUR_NAMESPACE', 'YOUR_PATH');

5. Advanced

Acf group location rules

If you use the local acf groups way then you have to override the LOCATION_RULES const in group classes to set up location rules. Information about the constant value :

     * Should be overridden to set up location rules
     * content sample :
     * [
     *      'post_type == x',
     *      'page_template == x',
     * ],
     * [
     *      'block == x',
     * ],
     * One sub-array = one rules group. All parts within will be combined with the 'AND' rule.
     * Rule groups between self will be combined with the 'OR' rule.
     * Every string contains from 3 parts, that combined by a space : 'ParamName Operator Value'

If you need an opportunity to set up rules dynamically, you can override the getLocationRules() method. For example:

protected static function getLocationRules(): array
    $blockName = 'x';
     return [
            'post_type == ' . $blockName,

Field settings

Any acf field arguments can be set via phpDoc comments. For example

* @required 1
* @instructions First name. This field...
public string $firstName;

See acf docs for information about available settings. Json in argument values is supported and will be decoded - see select field sample. Also, you could use a-type alias for type argument (to avoid IDE warnings). You could use a-order argument to change fields order (useful e.g. for extended classes)

Tab field sample :

* @type tab
* @placement left
public bool $general;

Image field sample :

// 'a-type' here just an alias for 'type', you can use what's preferred for you
* @a-type image
* @return_format id
public int $logo;

Select field sample:

// json in the choices argument will be decoded
* @type select
* @choices {"left":"Left","center": "Center","right": "Right"}
* @default_value left
public string $align;

Default field value

If the get_field function returns NULL then a field will be initialized with a default value for a type (0, '', false)


Acf clones feature is supported, so one group can contain another group in a field. By default, the clone will be wrapped into a tab field for comfortable usage (it can be disabled with adding '@a-no-tab 1' to phpDoc of the clone field)

class FirstGroup extends AbstractAcfGroup{
    public SecondGroup $groupField;
class SecondGroup extends AbstractAcfGroup{
    public string $stringField;

Behind the scene. In the related acf field settings the clone type will be used together with the prefix_name feature, so all the SecondGroup fields will have a prefix from the FirstGroup class,
and the end name for the $stringField field will be PREFIX_first-group__group-field_PREFIX_second-group__string-field.

Repeater of clones

Acf repeater feature is supported (for clones only).
For this goal you should declare a field with the array type and it's required to fill out the php-doc @item argument, that should point out to the target group class (a full class name with your namespace).
You can also set up the php-doc @var argument for IDE suggestions, but it isn't required.
(It's impossible to have a repeater of simple fields like in ACF UI in the current way, but if you're thinking about this you'll understand that it's almost the same, you just have to create a group for your item fields). By default, the repeater will be wrapped into a tab field for comfortable usage (it can be disabled with adding '@a-no-tab 1' to phpDoc of the array field)

class FirstGroup extends AbstractAcfGroup{
     * @var SecondGroup[]
     * @item \Namespace\SecondGroup
    public array $groupField;
class SecondGroup extends AbstractAcfGroup{
    public string $stringField;

Behind the scene. In ACF a repeater field will be created with one clone field, that will point out to the target group. The prefix_name feature isn't used to avoid a double prefix, so the end field name will be : PREFIXfirst-group__groupField_0_PREFIXsecond-group__string-field. Also, the repeater will be wrapped into a tab field for comfortable usage

Acf group name

= PREFIX.'class-name'
Acf group name will be based on a class name, with converting ClassName to class-name . AbstractAcfGroup::GROUP_NAME_PREFIX contains a prefix and has a local_ value by default, it's used to avoid conflicts with your already existing groups. If there are reasons to change it, you can override the constant, see the Additional constants information for details

Acf field name

= $groupName.'__'.field-name'
Acf field name will be based on a class name + field name, with converting fieldName to field-name. If you need to get an acf field name (to use in a DB query for example) - you should use the getAcfFieldName() method

Acf field label

= Field Name
Acf field label will be based on a field name, with converting fieldName to Field Name.
You can override it with a @label argument in field's phpDoc or override the getAcfFieldLabel() method

Additional constants.

  • GROUP_NAME_PREFIX by default is local_, can be changed to another. If you want to change the prefix for multiple groups, you can just create a wrapper that will override the constant and extend all groups from the wrapper
  • IS_LOCAL_GROUP const can be overridden to false if you use the local acf groups way but want to exclude some classes from autoloading
  • CUSTOM_GROUP_NAME const can be overridden if your group has a name that doesn't follow the above's naming agreement. Use it only for legacy groups supporting. In this case even the GROUP_NAME_PREFIX constant will be skipped