
A simple Symfony2 bundle for Michael Crumley's PHP port of Dan Palmer's jquery.complexify.js

1.1 2016-04-29 23:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 19:21:43 UTC


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A Symfony2 bundle for Michael Crumley's PHP port of Dan Palmer's jquery.complexify.js


composer require lightmaker/complexify-bundle

Update your Kernel

# AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles() {
  $bundles = array(
    new Lightmaker\ComplexifyBundle\LightmakerComplexifyBundle()


You can use the Lightmaker\ComplexifyBundle\Validator\Constraints\Complexify constraint with the following options.

  • message: The validation message (default: 'Password must be complex.')
  • minimumChars: The minimum acceptable password length (default: 8)
  • strengthScaleFactor: Scale the required password strength - higher numbers require a more complex password (default: 1)
  • bannedPasswords: An array of banned passwords (Default: empty array)
  • banMode: strict == don't allow substrings of banned passwords, loose == only ban exact matches (default: strict)
  • encoding: (default: 'UTF-8')