
Push notification center


Step 1: Install LBPushCenter

composer require libressltd/lbpushcenter

Step 2: Add service provider to config/app.php


and alias

'LBPushCenter' => LIBRESSLtd\LBPushCenter\Controllers\LBPushCenter::class,

Step 3: Publish vendor

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lbpushcenter --force

Step 4: Using in master:

// Add a new device 

Push_device::add($token, $app_name);

// Send message

$device = Push_device::findOrFail($device_id); // not device token

$device->send($title, $desc); // sync push

$device->send_in_queue($title, $desc) // must run in queue


// register device badge
POST: <host>/lbpushcenter/api/device
params: token, application

// remove badge
POST: <host>/lbpushcenter/api/device/<device_id>/clear_badge

// disable / enable push
PUT: <host>/lbpushcenter/api/device/<device_id>

params: enabled = 0 / 1

Command to run push

	// Add in app\Console\Kernel.php
    protected $commands = [

    // Then run 

    // Mode all
    php artisan lbpushcenter:push // --mode=all (allias)

    // Mode master
    php artisan lbpushcenter:push --mode=master

    // Mode worker
    php artisan lbpushcenter:push --mode=worker

    // Note
    // Run mode all for normal system (optional)
    // Run master first
    // Then run worker (run as many as you want)


Remove and re-migrate the device table;

Using link: (should be added by lbsidemenu)

manage application (for example: ios-dev, ios-production, ios, etc ...): /lbpushcenter/application

manage application type (ios / fcm, need added manual): /lbpushcenter/application_type

manage all device: /lbpushcenter/device

manage all notification: /lbpushcenter/notification