
v1.0.1 2022-01-11 18:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-05 00:44:38 UTC



Library contains framework components, and implementation, to create and run application.


  • Framework components

    Allows define framework engine components. Default behavior are set, but it can be instantiate and overwritten, to customize framework engine.

  • Framework implementation

    Factories, builders and utilities allows to define default framework implementation. Can be replaced to customize other framework implementation.


  • Script language: PHP: version 7 || 8


Several ways are possible:


  1. Requirement

    It requires composer installation. For more information:

  2. Command: Move in project root path

     cd "<project_root_path>"
  3. Command: Installation

     php composer.phar require liberty_code/framework ["<version>"]
  4. Note

    • Include vendor

      If project uses composer, vendor must be included:

    • Configuration

      Installation command allows to add, on composer file "

            "require": {
                "liberty_code/framework": "<version>"


  1. Download

    • Download following repository.
    • Put it on repository root path.
  2. Include source

    • Include framework components only

    • Include framework implementation (with framework components)



Application mode

Application mode system allows to set macro configuration, to impact behavior of application.


  • Config

    Extends simple array data and configuration features. Allows to store a set of specific parameters.

  • Mode

    Allows to design a set of specific parameters, associated to a specific key.

  • ModeCollection

    Allows to design collection of modes. Uses list of modes, to set and retrieve specified mode.

  • ModeFactory

    Allows to design a mode factory, to provide new mode instance.

  • Builder

    Allows to hydrate mode collection, with modes.

  • Selector

    Allows to design mode selector. Uses mode collection to select a specified mode. Selection is action to mark as active, a specified mode from mode collection.


Modules system allows to separate application parts, by logical parts. Application is a set of modules.


  • Module

    Allows to design a module, who is an item containing information and configuration, about a specified part of application.

  • ModuleCollection

    Allows to design collection of modules. Uses list of modules, to get merged configuration for whole application.

  • ModuleFactory

    Allows to design a module factory, to provide new or specified module instance, from specified configuration.

  • StandardModuleFactory

    Extends module factory features. Provides default module instance.

  • Builder

    Allows to hydrate module collection, with modules.


Bootstrap allows to boot module.


  • Bootstrap

    Allows to design a bootstrap, who is an item containing information, to boot a specified module.


Route allows to design HTTP route, used in application.


  • HttpPatternRoute, HttpParamRoute, HttpFixRoute, HttpSeparatorRoute

    Extends HTTP route features. Adapt all HTTP routes, to use in application.

  • HttpRouteFactory

    Extends HTTP route factory features. Provides HTTP route instance, used in application.


Request allows to design the request part, from the request flow process, used in application.


  • HttpRequest

    Extends HTTP request features. Allows to get route source from argument "route", found in header or in GET.


Error allows to design handlers and warning handlers, used in application.


  • ExecThrowableHandler

    Extends throwable handler features. Allows to handle throwable errors, during application execution.

  • SysThrowableHandler

    Extends execution throwable handler features. Allows to handle throwable errors, during application system running.

  • FixExecThrowableHandler

    Extends execution throwable handler features. Allows to handle throwable errors, during application execution, from a specified fixed configuration.

  • FixSysThrowableHandler

    Extends system throwable handler features. Allows to handle throwable errors, during application system running, from a specified fixed configuration.

  • ExecThrowableWarnHandler

    Extends throwable warning handler features. Allows to handle throwable warnings, during application execution.

  • FixExecThrowableHandler

    Extends execution throwable warning handler features. Allows to handle throwable warnings, during application execution, from a specified fixed configuration.


Application allows to design the project application, to access main framework features, and run application.


  • App

    Allows to design project application, and run application. Application contains:

    • Parser builder for configuration

      Uses parser builder features. Allows to get specific parser for application configuration.

    • Cache repository

      Uses cache repository features. Allows to manage application cache.

    • Application mode selector

      Uses mode selector features. Allows to select specific mode for application.

    • Module collection

      Uses module collection. Allows to store and manage all application modules.

    • Configuration

      Uses configuration features. Allows to retrieve application configuration.

    • Provider

      Uses dependency provider features. Allows to manage dependency injection.

    • Register

      Uses register features. Allows to store and manage global key-value pairs.

    • Observer

      Uses event observer features. Allows to manage events.

    • Front controller

      Uses request flow front controller features. Allows to manage and run request flow process.


Framework allows to instantiate and hydrate application and dependent components, to define framework implementation.


  • Application

    Application implementation and features.

      use liberty_code\framework\framework\application\library\ToolBoxApp;
      $app = ToolBoxApp::getObjApp();
  • Library

    HTTP URL features. Path features.

      // Get string web route, from specified route key and parameters
      use liberty_code\framework\framework\library\http\url\library\ToolBoxRoute;
      $route = ToolBoxRoute::getStrRoute(...);
      // Get string full path, from specified relative application file or directory path
      use liberty_code\framework\framework\library\path\library\ToolBoxPath;
  • Application mode

    Application mode selector implementation.

  • Cache repository

    Application cache repository features.

      use liberty_code\framework\framework\cache\repository\library\ToolBoxRepository;
      // Set specified item with specified key, and set it, if required
  • Module

    Module collection implementation.

  • Bootstrap

    Bootstrap features.

      // Put application configuration
      use liberty_code\framework\framework\bootstrap\library\ToolBoxBootstrap;
      // Put module configuration
  • Auto-loading

    Auto-loading implementation.

  • Configuration

    Configuration implementation and features.

      // Get configuration path key, from specified keys
      use liberty_code\framework\framework\config\library\ToolBoxConfig;
  • Provider

    Provider implementation.

  • Register

    Register implementation.

  • Observer

    Observer implementation.

  • Router

    Router implementation.

  • Request flow

    Response features.

      // Get forwarded response, from specified route key and parameters
      use liberty_code\framework\framework\request_flow\response\http\library\ToolBoxResponse;
      // Get HTTP redirected response, from specified route key and parameters