v1.0.0 2022-01-02 23:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 06:32:08 UTC



Library contains error handling components, to manage application errors.


  • Script language: PHP: version 7 || 8


Several ways are possible:


  1. Requirement

    It requires composer installation. For more information: https://getcomposer.org

  2. Command: Move in project root path

     cd "<project_root_path>"
  3. Command: Installation

     php composer.phar require liberty_code/error ["<version>"]
  4. Note

    • Include vendor

      If project uses composer, vendor must be included:

    • Configuration

      Installation command allows to add, on composer file "

            "require": {
                "liberty_code/error": "<version>"


  1. Download

    • Download following repository.
    • Put it on repository root path.
  2. Include source




Handlers allows to handle specific errors, to execute specific action.


  • Handler

    Allows to design a handler, which contains all information, to handle specific errors. to execute specific action.

  • ErrorHandler

    Extends handler features. Allows to handle standard errors, with error exception.

  • ThrowErrorHandler

    Extends error handler features. Execute action by throwing error exception.

  • FixErrorHandler

    Extends error handler features. Allows to handle standard errors, from a specified fixed configuration.

  • FixThrowErrorHandler

    Extends throw error handler features. Allows to throw error exception, from a specified fixed configuration.

  • ThrowableHandler

    Extends handler features. Allows to handle throwable errors.

  • FixThrowableHandler

    Extends throwable handler features. Allows to handle throwable errors, from a specified fixed configuration.

  • HandlerCollection

    Allows to design collection of handlers. Allows to get list of handles, from a specific error.

  • HandlerFactory

    Allows to design a handler factory, to provide new or specified handler instance, from specified configuration or file path.

  • StandardHandlerFactory

    Extends handler factory features. Provides handler instance.


// Get handler factory
use liberty_code\error\handler\factory\model\DefaultHandlerFactory;
$handlerFactory = new DefaultHandlerFactory(null, $provider);
// Get new handler from configuration
$handler = $handlerFactory->getObjHandler(array(...));
// Get new handler from handler class file path
$handler = $handlerFactory->getObjHandlerFromFile('...');


Builder allows to hydrate handler collection, with handlers.


  • Builder

    Uses array of source data to hydrate handler collection.

  • DirBuilder

    Extends builder features. Uses array of directories paths, to hydrate handler collection, from each file path, on each directory path.


// Get handler collection
use liberty_code\error\handler\model\DefaultHandlerCollection;
$handlerCollection = new DefaultHandlerCollection();
// Get handler builder
use liberty_code\error\build\model\DefaultBuilder;
$handlerBuilder = new DefaultBuilder($handlerFactory);
// Hydrate handler collection
// Get handler directory builder
use liberty_code\error\build\directory\model\DirBuilder;
$handlerDirBuilder = new DirBuilder($handlerFactory);
// Hydrate handler collection
$handlerDirBuilder->hydrateHandlerCollection($handlerCollection, false);
foreach($handlerCollection->getTabKey() as $key) {
    echo($handlerCollection->getObjHandler($key)->getStrKey() .'<br />');
 * Show: 
 * Handler key 1
 * ...
 * Handler key N


Tryer allows to execute specific process and handle potential failures when occurs, using handler collection.


  • Tryer

    Allows to design a tryer, which try execution of specific process and handle potential failures when occurs, using handler collection.


use liberty_code\error\tryer\model\DefaultTryer;
$tryer = new DefaultTryer($handlerCollection);
// Try specific process execution
$executionSuccess = false;
$resultExecution = $tryer->execute(callable..., $executionSuccess);
// Show if specific process succeeded or failed
// Show return from specific process if success, from error handling else

Warning handler

Warning handlers allows to handle specific warnings, to execute specific action, if main process succeeded or failed.


  • WarnHandler

    which contains all information, to handle specific warnings, to execute specific action, if main process succeeded or failed.

  • ThrowableWarnHandler

    Extends warning handler features. Allows to handle throwable warnings.

  • FixThrowableHandler

    Extends throwable warning handler features. Allows to handle throwable warnings, from a specified fixed configuration.

  • WarnHandlerCollection

    Allows to design collection of warning handlers. Allows to get list of warning handles, from a specific list of warnings.

  • WarnHandlerFactory

    Allows to design a warning handler factory, to provide new or specified warning handler instance, from specified configuration or file path.


// Get warning handler factory
use liberty_code\error\warning\handler\factory\model\DefaultWarnHandlerFactory;
$warnHandlerFactory = new DefaultWarnHandlerFactory(null, $provider);
// Get new warning handler from configuration
$warnHandler = $warnHandlerFactory->getObjWarnHandler(array(...));
// Get new warning handler from handler class file path
$warnHandler = $warnHandlerFactory->getObjWarnHandlerFromFile('...');

Warning builder

Builder allows to hydrate warning handler collection, with warning handlers.


  • Builder

    Uses array of source data to hydrate warning handler collection.

  • DirBuilder

    Extends builder features. Uses array of directories paths, to hydrate warning handler collection, from each file path, on each directory path.


// Get warning handler collection
use liberty_code\error\warning\handler\model\DefaultWarnHandlerCollection;
$warnHandlerCollection = new DefaultWarnHandlerCollection();
// Get warning handler builder
use liberty_code\error\warning\build\model\DefaultWarnBuilder;
$warnHandlerBuilder = new DefaultWarnBuilder($warnHandlerFactory);
// Hydrate warning handler collection
// Get warning handler directory builder
use liberty_code\error\warning\build\directory\DirWarnBuilder;
$handlerDirBuilder = new DirWarnBuilder($warnHandlerFactory);
// Hydrate warning handler collection
$warnHandlerBuilder->hydrateWarnHandlerCollection($warnHandlerCollection, false);
foreach($warnHandlerCollection->getTabKey() as $key) {
    echo($warnHandlerCollection->getObjWarnHandler($key)->getStrKey() .'<br />');
 * Show: 
 * Warning handler key 1
 * ...
 * Warning handler key N

Warning tryer

Warning tryer allows to execute specific process and handle potential warnings after this process succeeded or failed, using warning handler collection.


  • WarnTryer

    Extends tryer features. Allows to design a warning tryer, which try execution of specific process and handle potential warnings after this process succeeded or failed, using warning handler collection.


use liberty_code\error\warning\tryer\model\DefaultWarnTryer;
$warnTryer = new DefaultWarnTryer(
    // Register interface implementation, used to store warnings during specific process
// Try specific process execution
$executionSuccess = false;
$resultExecution = $warnTryer->execute(callable..., $executionSuccess);
// Show if specific process succeeded or failed
// Show return from specific process and potential warnings handling if success, 
// from error and potential warnings handling else

Warning error handler

Warning error handlers allows to handle specific errors, considered as warnings, to execute specific warning action.


  • WarnErrorHandler

    Extends error handler features. Execute action by putting error exception, on specific warning register.

  • FixWarnErrorHandler

    Extends warning error handler features. Uses specified fixed configuration.

  • WarnHandlerFactory

    Extends handler factory features. Provides warning error handler instance.