
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A simple library for XML manipulation

1.0.1 2020-06-15 09:15 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-05-29 01:40:30 UTC


A little library for XML manipulation in PHP

Build Status BCH compliance License: GPL v3


A simple library to manipulate XML files in PHP


This library has been tested for PHP 7.3 and higher


Just use composer in your project:

composer require lianhua/superxml

If you don't use composer, clone or download this repository, all you need is inside the src directory.


Open a XML file

Let's say we have the following XML file:


You can open this document with a new SuperXML:

$xml = new SuperXML("/path/to/xml/file");

Search nodes

You can search all nodes from a XPath expression:

$nodes = $xml->xpathQuery("/inventory/fruits/fruit"); // DOMNodeList with 'Apple' and 'Banana' nodes

Evaluate expression

You can evaluate an XPath expression:

$count = $xml->xpathEval("count(/inventory/fruits/fruit)"); // 2

Create a node

You can create a node with the XPath expression of the parent:

$xml->addChild("/inventory/fruits", "fruit", "Kiwi");

The document becomes:


Delete a node

You can delete a node:


The document becomes:



Replace a value

You can replace a node value:

$xml->replaceValue("/inventory/vegetables/vegetable", "Potato");

The document becomes:


Set an attribute

You can set an attribute to nodes:

$xml->setAttribute("/document/vegetables/vegetable[.='Carrot']", "growIn", "soil");

The document becomes:

        <vegetable growIn="soil">Carrot</vegetable>

Remove an attribute

You can remove an attribute, let's say you have the last example to start with:

$xml->removeAttribute("/document/vegetables/vegetable[.='Carrot']", "growIn", "soil");

The document becomes:



By default, the document is saved each time you edit it. To avoid this, set the second constructor parameter to false :

$xml = new SuperXML("/path/to/xml/file", false);