
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A simple PHP class for emails

1.0.3 2020-03-22 11:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-05-29 01:50:40 UTC


Build Status BCH compliance


A simple PHP class for email. Please keep in mind this library doesn't send mails, you have to extend these classes with a send function.


This library has been tested for PHP 7.3 and higher


Just use composer in your project:

composer require lianhua/email

If you don't use composer, clone or download this repository, all you need is inside the src directory.


Creating an email

You can create an email by using the constructor

$email = new \Lianhua\Email\Email();

Setting the message

You can set a TXT or a HTML message with a method. You can also set a special message for disabled people. You also can set a subject.

// Set messages
$email->setAlternateContent("Welcome, screen reader user");
$email->setSubject("Welcome message");

// Get messages
$email->getMessage(); // "Welcome!"
$email->getAlternateContent(); // "Welcome, screen reader user"
$email->getSubject(); // "Welcome message"


You can set the addresses with Email methods by providing an EmailAddress object.

You can only have one "From" and "Reply" addresses and as many "To", "Cc" and "Bcc". The address format is checked before adding it.

$address = new \Lianhua\Email\EmailAddress("", "Recipient Name");

// Set addresses

// Get addresses
$email->getFrom(); // $address
$email->getReply(); // $address
$email->getTo(); // [$address]
$email->getCc(); // [$address]
$email->getBcc(); // [$address]

You can delete all addresses for "To", "Cc" and "Bcc" with the clear* functions



You can add and delete attachments with Email methods. The file existence is checked before.

// Add attachments

// Get attachments
$email->getAttachments(); // ["/tmp/A.pdf", "/tmp/B.pdf"]

// Delete attachments


You can set cutom headers

// Add headers
$email->addHeader("X-HEADER", "WELCOME");
$email->addHeader("X-HEADER-2", "BIENVENUE");

// Get headers
$email->getHeaders(); // ["X-HEADER" => "WELCOME", "X-HEADER-2" => "BIENVENUE"]

// Delete headers


Check DNS

You can ask for a DNS MX record check before adding addresses.

// Set parameter

// Add address
$email->addTo(new \Lianhua\Email\EmailAddress("")); // Valid
$email->addTo(new \Lianhua\Email\EmailAddress("test@google.con")); // Not valid

Return values

When you use an address function, you can see if the input address had been added

$email->addTo(new \Lianhua\Email\EmailAddress("")); // \Lianhua\Email\Email::NO_ERRORS
$email->addTo(new \Lianhua\Email\EmailAddress("")); // \Lianhua\Email\Email::ERROR_EMAIL_FORMAT

// If you enabled DNS check
$email->addTo(new \Lianhua\Email\EmailAddress("test@google.con")); // \Lianhua\Email\Email::ERROR_EMAIL_DNS_CHECK

You can see if the attachment had been added too

// Add attachments
$email->addAttachment("/tmp/A.pdf"); // \Lianhua\Email\Email::NO_ERRORS
$email->addAttachment("/tmp/kjbfkkqsd"); // \Lianhua\Email\Email::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
$email->addAttachment("/tmp"); // \Lianhua\Email\Email::ERROR_FILE_IS_DIRECTORY