lfelin / laravel-tracetoslack
Send your traceback on a channel of slack
2016-07-14 13:36 UTC
- php: >=5.5.9
- illuminate/support: 5.*
- ixudra/curl: 6.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-15 21:01:53 UTC
For Laravel 4.2, use the 4.2 branch
Trace to slack is a simple package for laravel to notify the errors of your application in slack https://slack.com/
Pull this package in through Composer.
{ "require": { "lfelin/laravel-tracetoslack": "1.*" } }
Dump your autoload
composer dump-autoload -o
Laravel 5.* Integration
Add the service provider to your config/app.php
'providers' => array( //... Lfelin\TraceToSlack\TraceToSlackServiceProvider::class, ),
In your app/Exceptions/Handler.php
use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
use Lfelin\TraceToSlack\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
Publish configuration
php artisan vendor:publish
In your config/tracetoslack.php
file configure the parameters. The parameter webhook_url is required :
return array( /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Notify on debug |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Default: false | The notifications are also sent if the debug mode is activated [true] | */ 'active_on_debug' => false, /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Your private Webhook URL |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | [Required] | Eg: https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXX/XXX | */ 'webhook_url' => 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXX/XXX', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Username |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | [Optional] | Default: John Bot | */ 'username' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Emoji |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | [Optional] | Default: ':warning:' | http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/ for example | */ 'icon_emoji' => '', // default: ':bug:' => http://www.emoji-cheat-sheet.com/ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Emoji Url |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | [Optional] | This param increase icon_emoji | https://slack.com/img/icons/app-57.png for example | */ 'icon_url' => '', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Other Channel |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | [Optional] | Default: The default channel is the one set in the web Hook | This name start by '#' or '@' for Direct Message | Eg: #general - @username | */ 'other_channel' => '', );
Create Incoming WebHooks
Create a new webhook : https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook/
Documentation : https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations
Example on slack
Suggestions and issues
Use github issues to suggest improvements or reassembling your problems