
Settings table for Laravel.

1.0.1 2018-08-05 21:21 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 07:58:21 UTC


LevooLabs Settings is a key value pair configuration manager for Laravel. The setting values are stored in the database and cached until modification.


Step 1: Install package

Install the package through Composer.

Run the Composer require command from the Terminal:

composer require levoolabs/settings

Step 2: Migrations

Run migrations with artisan command:

php artisan migrate


You can use the LevooLabs\Settings\Facades\Setting facade or the helper functions to manage your configurations. (The Setting alias is automatically registered for the facade class.)

Get by name

$setting = Setting::get('name');
$setting = setting('name');

Set by name

Setting::set('name', $value);
setting('name', $value);

Check if setting exists or not

if (Setting::exists('name')) {
if (setting_exists('name')) {


All setting values are stored as text but you can use different functions for auto typecasting. The first parameter is the name of the setting and the second is the value. With one parameter all the functions work as a getter with two parameters they work as a setter.

setting_bool('vouchers_enabled', true);
setting_int('max_voucher_per_order', 2)
setting_collection('available_countries', $country_array)
setting_json('meta_description', ['en' => '...', 'hu' => '...'])
setting_secret('my_secret', $secret)
Setting::bool('vouchers_enabled', true);
Setting::int('max_voucher_per_order', 2)
Setting::collection('available_countries', $country_array)
Setting::json('meta_description', ['en' => '...', 'hu' => '...'])
Setting::secret('my_secret', $secret)
  • The collection method always returns a Collection. If the setting doesn't exist it returns an empty one. The $value for the setter can be an array or a Collection.
  • The secret method will use Laravel's Encrypter to encrypt(setter) and decrypt(getter) values.


Available blade directives you can use in your views:

    <meta name="description" content="{{ setting_json('meta_description')->{App::getLocale()} }}">
    <input type="text" name="voucher_code" placeholder="Coupon code" value="">


LevooLabs Settings is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright 2018 LevooLabs