
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Send mails including template engine

v2.5.4 2018-07-18 10:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-02-05 23:10:30 UTC


Downloads this Month 68747470733a2f2f7472617669732d63692e6f72672f6465726d6174746865732f74656d706c6174652d6d61696c65722e737667 Latest Stable Version Supports PHP 5.4+ Supports PHP 7.0+

This project combines an powerfull but easy-to-use OOP interface to Multipart-Mime-Mails in conjunction with a easy to learn template-language for defining complete multipart-messages within one string. (Including subject, from, other headers, all kinds of message-parts).


Install using composer:

composer require leuffen/template-mailer

Basic Example

See directory /doc/template/tpl/ for a bunch of working examples. You can life-test the examples with /doc/template/SendTestMail.php against your MailClient / MTA.

Define a template using text-template syntax

To: {= user.email};<support@some-company.com>
From: support@some-company.com
Subject: Your order {= oder.id} on our site

<mailPart contentType="text/plain" encoding="UTF-8">
Hello {= user.name},

you just ordered following items:

{for curItem in order.items}
{=@index1}: {=curItem.title|cutright:20} {=curItem.quantity} x {=curItem.price|currency}
<mailPart contentType="text/html" CHARSET="UTF-8">
... do the same stuff in HTML

Notice: To display the html-content by default it's important, to put the text/html content to the end of the mail

Load the template and send the mail:

$parser = new MailTemplateParser();
$parser->send ($orderData);

That's it

Adding MailParts to a template

Use the apply() method to not just send the mail but return the MailBody:

$parser = new MailTemplateParser();
$parser->loadTemplate ($template);
$mail = $parser->apply($orderData);

Add an attachment using the FileAttachment helper class:

$mail->addPart(new FileAttachment("path/to/image.jpg"));

or the manual way:

    $_part = new MailBody(

send the mail:


That's it.

Programmatic multipart example

You can use template-mailer to send multipart-mail without any templating directly from your code:

$mailBody = new MailBody ("to@address.de", "Some subject", "from@me.de");
$mailBody->addPart (new MailPart ("Some Text Content", "text/plain"));
$mailBody->addPart (new MailPart ("<h1>Some Html Part</h1>", "text/html"));

Using the Template Engine

For standard purpose you should use the MailTemplateParser to generate your Mail. But template-mailer can also be used like an OOP Mail Frontend. You'll find mor Information about that topic in the next section.

Security enhancements when using Templates

  • Auto Escaping: TemplateParser will escape values according to your content-type. Values in text/html mailParts will be htmlspecialchars()'d

  • Mail injection: Values in the header-section will be automaticly trimmed to 255 bytes and LineBreaks are converted to spaces

  • Transparent Encoding: The templating-engine will set and encode any content in the best available transfer-encoding

  • UTF-8 by default: Both, templates and values are expected in corret UTF-8 formatting. By default outgoing mails will be UTF-8 formated as well - unless you change the Charset: - Header. In this case template-mail will do tranparent conversion for you.

Defining Templates

Template-Mail uses Text-Template (http://github.com/dermatthes/text-template) Syntax to define your templates.

Template consist of two sections. The header-section...

To: Some User <some@user.com>
Subject: Some fancy mail subject

... followed by one empty line, and the body-section...

<mailPart contentType="text/html">
  ..content goes here..

..more mail-parts..

... where you define each part of your mail between <mailPart> and </mailPart>.

You don't have to take care about boundaries, additional headers nor correct escaping.

When defining mailPart you can use the attributes defined below to fit your needs:

Attribute Description Allowed values
contentType text/plain, text/html, application/pdf, ...
contentDisposition attachment, inline
contentTransferEncoding Default: 8Bit 8Bit, quoted-printable, base64
charset Default: UTF-8 utf-8, iso-8895-1, ...
fileName Used with contentDispositon="attachment": The filename to display in attachements
id Used to reference attached files. If you name it somefile you can reference it <img src="cid:somefile">
skipEncoding If skipEncoding="no" is present, Text-Template will do no own encoding to the contents YES, NO

The MailBody Content-Type

One word to the content-type of the container-mail:

  • multipart/mixed: Default, if more than one mailPart isset

    • All Parts are shown in order of occurence
    • Attachments possible
  • multipart/alternative: Use this if you want to display only one part (HTML or TEXt) with inline Attachements

    • Last part has highest precedence
    • Attachments will not be displayed
  • multipart/related: Use this if you want to embed attachements into the mail

    • First part has highest precedence
    • Inline-Attachments will not be displayed if they are displayed inside html-code.

By default, Template-Mailer will set the content-type in de header of the container-mail to multipart/mixed, which allows multiple attachments.

But it will display all attachments.

You can set it to use multipart/alternative by adding the Header

..in Header..
Content-Type: multipart/alternative

Debugging the context

To see the structure of the data passed to the template just add

{= __CONTEXT__ | raw } 

to your template. It will output the structure of the context.

Accessing the TextTemplate Parser

To access and configure the TextTemplate Parser use the MailTemplateParser::getTextTemplateParser() method.


$mailTemplateParser->getTextTemplateParser()->addFilter("price", function ($input) { return number_format($input) });

Changing the Deliveryagent to an non local SMTP Server

To change the DeliveryAgent, it must be set in the MailKernel, via the static function SetMailDeliveryAgent The SmtpDeliveryAgent uses the class PHPMailer to send an SMTP Message to the chosen Server


$mailDeliveryAgent = new SmtpDeliveryAgent("localhost");


Template-Mailer was written by Matthias Leuffen http://leuffen.de