
The GP SDK for PHP provides a native interface to the GP API.

dev-master 2019-08-16 04:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-16 14:59:21 UTC


The GP SDK for PHP provides a native interface to the GP API. This is still a work in progress (WIP) project and hence it will be on the master branch.


composer require lesterchan/gp-php-sdk



Generate a web URL that provides a web interface for OAuth authentication.

This helps the end-user login or register for GP.

 * @param string $codeVerifier Code verifier
 * @param string $requestToken Request token
 * @param string $redirectUri Redirect URI
 * @param string $scope Scope (payment.one_time_charge or payment.recurring_charge)
$gp->getOauthAuthorizeUrl($codeVerifier, $requestToken, $redirectUri, $scope);

Generate the oauth token by passing ​code​ received in the return URL from GP.

 * @param string $code Code
 * @param string $redirectUri Redirect URI
 * @param string $codeVerifier Code verifier
$gp->getAccessToken($code, $redirectUri, $codeVerifier);

One-Time Charge


 * @param string $partnerId Partner ID
 * @param string $partnerSecret Partner Secret
 * @param string $clientId Client ID
 * @param string $clientSecret Client Secret
 * @param string $merchantId Merchant ID
$gp = new GP\OneTimeCharge($partnerId, $partnerSecret, $clientId, $clientSecret, $merchantId);

Set up the details required to initiate a one-time payment.

 * @param string $txId order ID
 * @param string $groupTxId partner transaction ID
 * @param int $amount ​Transaction amount as integer
 * @param string $description description of the charge (optional)
$gp->initCharge($txId, $groupTxId, $amount, $description);

Complete the payment authorised by the user.

 * @param string $accessToken OAuth access token
 * @param string $partnerTxId partner transaction ID
$gp->completeCharge($accessToken, $partnerTxId);



 * @param string $partnerId Partner ID
 * @param string $partnerSecret Partner Secret
 * @param string $clientId Client ID
 * @param string $clientSecret Client Secret
 * @param string $merchantId Merchant ID
$gp = new GP\Tokenization($partnerId, $partnerSecret, $clientId, $clientSecret, $merchantId);

Initiate the binding process with customer credits.

 * @param string $txId order ID

Charge a customer who has completed the bind process with GP.

 * @param string $accessToken OAuth access token
 * @param string $txId order ID
 * @param string $groupTxId partner transaction ID
 * @param int $amount ​Transaction amount as integer
 * @param string $description description of the charge (optional)
$gp->charge($accessToken, $txId, $groupTxId, $amount, $description);

Deactivate the token generated during the binding process.

 * @param string $accessToken OAuth access token
 * @param string $txId order ID
$gp->unbind($accessToken, $txId);

View the wallet balance of the bound user.

 * @param string $accessToken OAuth access token


Check the status of a transaction.

 * @param string $accessToken OAuth access token
 * @param string $txId order ID
$gp->checkChargeStatus($accessToken, $txId);

Refund a full or partial refunds for a specific transaction.

 * @param string $accessToken OAuth access token
 * @param string $txId order ID
 * @param string $groupTxId partner transaction ID
 * @param string $originTxID original partner transaction ID
 * @param int $amount ​Transaction amount as integer
 * @param string $description description of the charge (optional)
$gp->refund($accessToken, $txId, $groupTxId, $originTxID, $amount, $description);

Check the status of a refund transaction.

 * @param string $accessToken OAuth access token
 * @param string $txId order ID
$gp->checkRefundStatus($accessToken, $txId);



 * @param string $partnerId Partner ID
 * @param string $partnerSecret Partner Secret
 * @param string $merchantId Merchant ID
 * @param string $terminalId Terminal ID
$gp = new GP\Pos($partnerId, $partnerSecret, $merchantId, $terminalId);

Creates a payment order and returns a QR code.

 * @param string $txId order ID
 * @param int $amount ​Transaction amount as integer
$gp->createMerchantPresentQrCode($txId, $amount);

Performs a payment transaction which charges from the wallet associated with the request QR code.

 * @param string $txId order ID
 * @param int $amount ​Transaction amount as integer
 * @param string $qrCode QR code being scanned
$gp->performConsumerPresentQrCode($txId, $amount, $qrCode);

Returns details for a payment transaction or refund transaction.

 * @param string $txId order ID

Cancels a pending payment.

 * @param string $origTxID Original order ID

Refunds a previously successful payment.

 * @param string $txID order ID
 * @param string $origTxID Original order ID
 * @param int $amount ​Transaction amount as integer
$gp->refundTransaction($txID, $origTxID, $amount);


By default, the SDK will be using Staging URL. To switch to Production URL, use:


Defaults to SG. Accepted values are SG, MY, VN, PH, and TH.

 * @param string $countryCode Country code (alpha-2)

Defaults to SGD. Accepted values are SGD, MYR, VND, PHP, and THB.

 * @param string $currency Currency

Generate nonce.

 * @param int $length Length

Please refer to the GP PHP SDK Sample Code Repository for some sample codes.