
Silverstripe Extension to send noindex, nofollow for files in foldes that do not ShowInSearch.

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0.3.0 2023-09-04 11:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-28 21:11:15 UTC


Silverstripe FolderIndex

Silverstripe FolderIndex allows you to manage visibility of files for search engines on a parent folder basis by utilizing X-Robots header tags such as noindex, nofollow, noimageindex, noarchive, and nosnippet. By unchecking the ShowInSearch option in the Details tab of a folder, X-Robots headers will be applied to all files contained within, including those in sub-folders. If you have tractorcow/silverstripe-robots module installed, "unchecked folders" are also disallowed in robots.txt.

The module introduces NoFileIndex() function to File. This can be useful if for example an image should be included in a XML sitemaps, schemas etc. And is used in CMS/Assets context to indicate whether a file has X-Robots-Tag headers set through its parent folder or any higher-level ancestor/folder. If set, the function returns the corresponding folder that prevents indexing; otherwise, it returns false. This module integrates with Apache .htaccess and also proved to work with Litespeed.


  • silverstripe/asset-admin: ^1 | ^2


Composer is the recommended method for installing Silverstripe modules.

composer require lerni/folderindex

Run dev/build

Getting Started / Usage

  • Uncheck Indexing child files checkbox of a folder under Permissions, save and rules will automatically generate in assets/.htaccess.

Folder 'ShowInSearch' Checkbox File X-Robots Notification

Please note this module "overwrites" SilverStripe/Assets/Flysystem/PublicAssetAdapter_HTAccess.ss template.


Thanks to @zauberfisch and @digitall-it for inspiration and translation.


  • Implement a mechanism to write to assets/.htaccess directly, rather than relying solely on dev/build.
  • Address issue where roles are erroneously assigned to sub-folders that are blocked through parent folders.
  • Provide ability to configure X-Robots-Tag settings through yml-config.
  • Display X-Robots-Tag warning (alert) in the file section, not just in the Details panel.