
Email Fake Filter is a PHP library that allows you to check if an email address is a disposable/one-time email address.


EmailFakeFilter is a PHP library that allows you to check if an email address is a disposable/one-time email address. This library is useful for preventing spam and fraudulent activity on your website or application.


  • PHP 8.0 or later
  • Composer


You can install EmailFakeFilter using Composer. Just run the following command:

composer require leo108/email-fake-filter

This project gets its fake email addresses from 7c/fakefilter. The database is updated weekly, it's recommended to always use the latest version of this library:

composer update leo108/email-fake-filter


You can call the static methods of the EmailFakeFilter class:

use EmailFakeFilter\EmailFakeFilter;

if (EmailFakeFilter::isFakeDomain('mailinator.com')) {
    // This is a disposable/one-time domain
} else {
    // This is not a disposable/one-time domain

// Check if an email address is a disposable/one-time email address
if (EmailFakeFilter::isFakeEmail('example@mailinator.com')) {
    // This is a disposable/one-time email address
} else {
    // This is not a disposable/one-time email address

// Get information about a domain
$info = EmailFakeFilter::getDomainInfo('mailinator.com');
if ($info !== null) {
    // This is a disposable/one-time domain, and $info contains additional information about it
} else {
    // This is not a disposable/one-time domain


EmailFakeFilter is open source software licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.