
GraphQL and websocket secure package that is installable via composer for concrete 5

5.1.12 2022-03-25 14:20 UTC


# GraphQL Websocket Concrete5 Security Composer Package

The idea of this repo is to give all functionallity to use the GraphQL and Websockets Composer Package secure in Concrete5.

Use this package just as a composer Concrete5 package, cause of the composer requirings

We build a C5 Version with Siler GraphQL, Apollo V2, React and Material UI. checkout the showdown here concrete5.lemonbrain.ch

This package is based on an other package and the documentation for it is in this wiki

This project is a concrete5 package that is powered entirely by composer.

To install this package on a composer based concrete5 site, make sure you already have composer/installers then run:

$ composer require lemonbrain/concrete5_graphql_websocket_security

Then install the package on Concrete5

$ ./vendor/bin/concrete5 c5:package-install concrete5_graphql_websocket_security