
1.4.0 2017-03-28 19:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 18:12:51 UTC


This is just a collection of classes and interfaces useful within a domain-driven-design context in PHP. Have fun!

Domain event

An interface every domain event should implement. Exposes a date on which the domain event occurred.

Domain event publisher

A simple domain event publisher, implementing the singleton pattern to avoid injecting into every single domain object.

Domain event subscriber

An interface every domain event subscriber should implement. Subscribing to DomainEvent::class acts a wildcard, all events published are passed to the subscriber.


An interface every entity should implement. Exposes an equals() method that can be used to test whether two entities has the same identity.


An interface every identity should implement.

Value object

An interface every value object should implement. Exposes an equals() method that can be used to test whether two value objects represent the same set of data.


To support rapid development, a few CLI commands are available to create the most common domain objects.

  • bin/console lej-ddd:create-domain-event <domain> <context> <name>
  • bin/console lej-ddd:create-entity <domain> <context> <name>
  • bin/console lej-ddd:create-string-id <domain> <context> <name>
  • bin/console lej-ddd:create-uuid-id <domain> <context> <name>
  • bin/console lej-ddd:create-value-object <domain> <context> <name>

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