A package that leverage redis geospatial functionality for super fast searching and integrates beautifully with Laravel.

v1.1.0 2020-02-20 10:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-01 13:55:43 UTC


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This package makes it easy to add geospatial to your Laravel applications. It uses Redis built in geospatial features and combine this with your Laravel Models in an elegant way.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require leitom/geo


The package comes with a simple trait thats integrates with Laravel Eloquent models but also a facade to interact with the different geospatial functions.

Laravel Eloquent integration

All you have to do when integrating this package with one or more of your Eloquent models is to use the Leitom\Geo\HasGeoAbilities trait. This trait will take care of keeping the Redis index in sync with your models due to the use of a model observer so you dont have to think about it. Each time you create, save or delete a model the Redis index will be updated to reflect the changes.

use Leitom\Geo\HasGeoAbilities;

class User extends Model
    use HasGeoAbilities;

    protected $fillable = ['id', 'name', 'longitude', 'latitude'];


Here we perform a search with Longitude, Latitude and Radius. The unit of the radius is configured in the configuration file, default km = kilometers. With the 4. argument to the geoSearch function you can specify the sorting, default ASC.

$users = User::geoSearch(-115.17258, 36.11996, 10)->get();

The package adds two attributes to every model who implements the HasGeoAbilities. We add the unit and distance wich you can display to the end user.

$user->geoUnit // km
$user->geoDistance; // 0.999

The toArray() function is also overrided so that these two attributes would be loaded.

    'geo_unit' => 'km',
    'geo_distance' => 0.999,

Find distance between two models

To find the distance between two models you can use the geoDistanceFrom function on a given model

$userA = User::findOrFail(1);
$userB = User::findOrFail(2);

$userA->geoDistanceFrom($userB) // ['unit' => 'km', 'distance' => 0.999]

Get the nearest models

$userA = User::findOrFail(1);
$userB = User::findOrFail(2);

$users = $userA->geoNearest()->paginate(5);

Perform a search via the Geo facade

$locations = Leitom\Geo\Facades\Geo::index('cars')->search(-115.17258, 36.11996, 10);

Get the distance between two locations

$locationA = new Leitom\Geo\Coordinate('my-car', -115.17087, 36.12306);
$locationB = new Leitom\Geo\Coordinate('robins-car', -115.171971, 36.120609);

Leitom\Geo\Facades\Geo::index('cars')->between($locationA, $locationB); // 0.2900

Get a list of the nearest locations from a given location

$locationA = new Leitom\Geo\Coordinate('my-car', -115.17087, 36.12306);

Leitom\Geo\Facades\Geo::index('cars')->from($locationA, 10, 'ASC'); // [['my-car' => 0], ['your-car' => 0.2900]]

Add a coordinate to an index

$locationA = new Leitom\Geo\Coordinate('my-car', -115.17087, 36.12306);


Add multiple coordinates to an index

$locationA = new Leitom\Geo\Coordinate('my-car', -115.17087, 36.12306);
$locationB = new Leitom\Geo\Coordinate('robins-car', -115.171971, 36.120609);

Leitom\Geo\Facades\Geo::index('cars')->add($locationA, $locationB);

Leitom\Geo\Facades\Geo::index('cars')->add([$locationA, $locationB]);

Remove coordinates from an index


Leitom\Geo\Facades\Geo::index('cars')->remove('my-car', 'robins-car');

Import and Remove existing models

The package include two commands to handle import and remove models from the Redis index. This is usefull if you integrate this package in an existing project.

php artisan geo:import App\User
php artisan geo:remove App\User


Ensure you have Redis installed. If you are not using the default configuration for Redis you can change environment variables in the phpunit.xml file.

composer test

When testing you own application logic you should include the Leitom\Geo\Tests\RefreshGeo trait. This will ensure that you start with a fresh Redis index inside your tests. Just like the built in RefreshDatabase trait in Laravel.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email leirvik.tommy@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.