
There is no license information available for the latest version (v0.3.0) of this package.

Client for leadsapi.org

v0.3.0 2020-05-25 12:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-03-25 19:19:57 UTC


PHP client for gate.leadsapi.org


composer require leadsapiorg/gate-client


Send SMS

use Leadsapi\Gate\Client;
use Leadsapi\Gate\Exception as GateException;

///////// Preparing client

$client = new Client('my_username', 'my_token'); // Request credentials from your provider

// If you need to change the channel:

// If you need to set sender:
$client->setSender('Main sender');

try {
    ///////// Single message mode

    $res = $client->sendSms('+13212022278', 'Hello!');
    printf("SMS sent: sending id is: %d\n\n", $res->id);
    // Setting sender on single message level:
    $res = $client->sendSms('+13212022278', 'Hello!', 'Special sender');

    ///////// Bulk mode

    $messages = [
        ['+13212022278', "First hello!"],
        ['+12064572648', "Second\nhello!"],
        ['+13212022368', "Third hello!"]

    $res = $client->sendSmsBulk($messages);
    printf("Bulk sent: %d messages accepted; bulk id is: %d\n", $res->enqueued, $res->id);
    if (!empty($res->errors)) {
        print("But there's some errors:\n");
        foreach ($res->errors as $msg) {
            print("- {$msg}\n");

    // Setting sender on bulk level:
    $res = $client->sendSmsBulk($messages, 'Special sender');

} catch (GateException $e) {
    printf("Got error: %s\n", $e->getMessage());