
Provides an API to easy generate PHP code

0.1.5 2023-02-06 12:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 16:53:59 UTC


Provides an API to generate arbitrary code.

Build Status Code Quality Code Coverage Latest Version PDS Skeleton


The preferred method of installation is via Composer. Run the following command to install the latest version of a package and add it to your project's composer.json:

composer require leaditin/code


1. Create Class


use Leaditin\Code\DocBlock;
use Leaditin\Code\Flag;
use Leaditin\Code\Generator\Factory;
use Leaditin\Code\Import;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Constant;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Method;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Property;
use Leaditin\Code\Tag;
use Leaditin\Code\Type;
use Leaditin\Code\Value;
use Leaditin\Code\Visibility;

$generator = (new Factory())->classGenerator();
        new DocBlock(
            'Short description',
            'Long description',
                new Tag('author', 'author@domain')
    ->addImport(new Import('MyNamespace\\MyDummyTrait'))
    ->addConstant(new Constant('CONST_A', 2, new Visibility(Visibility::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)))
    ->addConstant(new Constant('CONST_B', 3, new Visibility(Visibility::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)))
    ->addProperty(new Property('name', new Value('Some User'), new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING), new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PROTECTED)))
    ->addProperty(new Property('email', new Value('author@domain'), new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING), new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PROTECTED)))
    ->addMethod(new Method('name', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, 'return $this->name;', null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)))
    ->addMethod(new Method('email', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, 'return $this->email;', null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)));

echo $generator->generate();

Will output:


namespace MyDummyNamespace;

use MyNamespace\MyDummyTrait;

 * Short description
 * Long description
 * @author author@domain
class MyClass extends MyDummyClass implements MyDummyInterface
    use MyDummyTrait;

    public const CONST_A = 2;
    public const CONST_B = 3;

     * @var string
    protected $name = 'Some User';

     * @var string
    protected $email = 'author@domain';

     * @return string
    public function name(): string
        return $this->name;

     * @return string
    public function email(): string
        return $this->email;

2. Create Interface


use Leaditin\Code\DocBlock;
use Leaditin\Code\Flag;
use Leaditin\Code\Generator\Factory;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Constant;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Method;
use Leaditin\Code\Type;
use Leaditin\Code\Visibility;

$generator = (new Factory())->interfaceGenerator();
        new DocBlock(
            'Short description',
            'Long description'
    ->addConstant(new Constant('CONST_A', 2, new Visibility(Visibility::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)))
    ->addConstant(new Constant('CONST_B', 3, new Visibility(Visibility::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC)))
    ->addMethod(new Method('name', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, null, null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)))
    ->addMethod(new Method('email', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, null, null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)));

echo $generator->generate();

Will output...


namespace MyDummyNamespace;

 * Short description
 * Long description
interface MyInterface extends MyDummyInterface
    public const CONST_A = 2;
    public const CONST_B = 3;

     * @return string
    public function name(): string;

     * @return string
    public function email(): string;

3. Create Trait


use Leaditin\Code\DocBlock;
use Leaditin\Code\Flag;
use Leaditin\Code\Generator\Factory;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Method;
use Leaditin\Code\Member\Property;
use Leaditin\Code\Type;
use Leaditin\Code\Value;

$generator = (new Factory())->traitGenerator();
        new DocBlock(
            'Short description',
            'Long description'
    ->addProperty(new Property('name', new Value('Some User'), new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING), new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PROTECTED)))
    ->addProperty(new Property('email', new Value('author@domain'), new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING), new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PROTECTED)))
    ->addMethod(new Method('name', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, 'return $this->name;', null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)))
    ->addMethod(new Method('email', new Flag(Flag::FLAG_PUBLIC), null, 'return $this->email;', null, new Type(Type::TYPE_STRING)));

echo $generator->generate();

Will output...


 * Short description
 * Long description
trait MyTrait
     * @var string
    protected $name = 'Some User';

     * @var string
    protected $email = 'author@domain';

     * @return string
    public function name(): string
        return $this->name;

     * @return string
    public function email(): string
        return $this->email;



Released under MIT License - see the License File for details.