
A simple PHP framework for very small sites

1.0.0 2014-12-04 00:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 21:45:34 UTC


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Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

Aleph is a very simple PHP framework for very small sites.


Install via composer:

$ composer require lastguest/aleph

Or download only the framework file

Or remote include the framework file: (needs allow_url_include = true in php.ini)

include "";



Include composer vendor/autoload.php

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

or directly the aleph.php file in your front controller:

include 'aleph.php';

URL Routing

// The index route
  echo "<h1>Hello!</h1>";

// Listen POST on /
  echo "<h1>Received POST Data:</h1><pre>";
  echo "</pre>";

If you return an array or an object it will served as JSON

  return [
    [ "id"=>1, "text"=>"Write documentation" ],
    [ "id"=>2, "text"=>"Smile" ],
    [ "id"=>3, "text"=>"Play more games" ],
    [ "id"=>4, "text"=>"Conquer the World" ],

The response will be :

        "id": 1,
        "text": "Write documentation"
        "id": 2,
        "text": "Smile"
        "id": 3,
        "text": "Play more games"
        "id": 4,
        "text": "Conquer the World"


Init database DSN


Run query and get single column

$uid = sql_value('select id from users where username = ? limit 1', array($username));

Run query and get single row

$user = sql_row('select * from users where username = ?', array($username));
echo $user->email;

Run query and iterate all returned rows

sql_each('select * from users', function($user){
  echo "<li><a href="mailto:{$user->email}">{$user->name}</a></li>";

Passing parameters:

sql_each('select * from users where activated = ?', function($user){
  echo "<li><a href="mailto:{$user->email}">{$user->name}</a></li>";
}, array('YES'));

Exec sql command

if ( sql('delete from users where id = ?',array(123)) ) echo "User deleted.";


The Service function is a small DI container.

Register a factory method

class TestService {
	public $value;
	function __construct($x){ $this->value = $x; }

	return new TestService($x);

Make service instances

$a = service('test',3);
$b = service('test',5);

Register a singleton service

	static $instance = null;
	return $instance === null ? $instance = new TestService($x) : $instance;

Now if we call multiple times the service('test') function we got the singleton instance every time :

$a = service('test',3);
$b = service('test',5);
$c = service('test');



How to get involved:

  1. Star the project!
  2. Answer questions that come through GitHub issues
  3. Report a bug that you find

Core follows the GitFlow branching model. The master branch always reflects a production-ready state while the latest development is taking place in the develop branch.

Each time you want to work on a fix or a new feature, create a new branch based on the develop branch: git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME develop. Only pull requests to the develop branch will be merged.

Pull requests are highly appreciated.

Solve a problem. Features are great, but even better is cleaning-up and fixing issues in the code that you discover.


Core is maintained by using the Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer).

Copyright and license

Copyright 2014 Stefano Azzolini under the MIT license.

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