
Laravel preset with ReactJS/Bootstrap en Laravel structure scaffolding.

1.4.2 2020-08-31 18:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:29:09 UTC


Speed up the time to set up a new laravel project with a preset based in TailwindCSS/ReactJS or Bootstrap/React. This preset also includes a basic controller structure and basic routing.


You can install the package through Composer.

composer require larsvg/lvg-preset

To scaffold using ReactJS/Bootstrap php artisan ui react-boostrap

To scaffold using ReactJS/TailwindCSS php artisan ui react-tailwind

And finally install the packages npm install && npm run watch


The preset adds a basic tailwind.config.js. To replace it with a full configuration file, delete it and run

npx tailwindcss init --full

This preset comes with laravel laravel-mix-purgecss purging method over tailwind's default purging method. To silence the purging notice when running in production, configure purge: false in tailwind.config.js.