
WordPress theme development framework, uniting ACF Pro, Timber and Vite

Installs: 78

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.7.3 2024-11-17 23:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 23:49:00 UTC


WP-Battery is a WordPress MU-Plugin that makes WordPress theme development easier. It combines Advanced Custom Fields Pro, Timber, and WordPress Block Editor into one simple setup tool. The plugin handles common theme tasks through file-based configuration and a simple API, reducing boilerplate code and speeding up development.

Blocks, pages, menus and options can be added following simple conventions. Adding them is even easier and fastest with our recommended companion Plugin: WP-Battery CLI


  • Twig Templates:
    • Leverage the power and beauty of Twig in your WordPress, thanks to the amazing Timber!
    • Templates can be used for blocks and pages
  • ACF Pro Blocks:
    • Create your own ACF Pro Blocks easily
    • optionally: disable core-blocks and limit yourself to your own ACF Pro Blocks
  • Supercharging ACF:
    • Automatically synchronize all ACF Pro field groups you create into your theme directory
  • Menus and Option Pages:
  • Custom Post Type and Taxonomy Registration:
    • Register your custom post types and taxonomies from separate configuration files
    • Simplified registration based on structure and convention
  • Enable Vite.js for your WordPress frontend:
  • Asset Management:
    • Separate frontend and admin CSS/JS inclusion
    • Option to include block specific CSS/JS
  • Theme Support Management: Easily enable WordPress theme features
  • WordPress Cleanup: Don't copy-paste the same snippets into your functions.php over and over. WP-Battery can:
    • Add theme support
    • Remove comments
    • Enable SVG uploads
    • ... and much more in the future
  • Contact Form 7 Integration:
    • Custom file-based template support


  • WordPress >= 6.5
  • PHP 8.0+
  • Timber >= 2.0
  • Advanced Custom Fields PRO >= 6.3

Additional support for:

  • Contact Form 7


In a WordPress composer based setup with Bedrock, this plugin will be automatically symlinked into your web/app/mu-plugins directory, and become available in your WP.

composer require larsgowebdev/wp-battery

Create a new instance of WP-Battery in your theme's functions.php


Initialize the plugin in your theme's functions.php:

$wpBattery = new WPBattery(
    themeNamespace: 'your-theme-name',
    settings: [
        // Your configuration here

Setting up your own blocks, pages & more

💡 Development Tip
Consider using WP-Battery CLI to automate the creation of components and folder structure:

wp init-wpb              # Creates the full directory structure
wp create-wpb-block      # Creates new blocks
wp create-wpb-page       # Creates page templates
wp create-wpb-menu       # Creates menu configurations
wp create-wpb-options    # Creates options pages

Start by creating a wpb folder in your theme directory. This folder will contain all your templates, blocks, and configurations.

Directory Structure

├── acf-sync/              # ACF field group JSON files
├── blocks/               # Block templates and renderers
├── cf7-templates/        # Contact Form 7 templates
├── menus/                # Menu configurations
├── options/              # ACF options pages
├── pages/                # Page templates
└── template-parts/       # Reusable template parts

💡 Quick Start (recommended)
Initialize this entire structure automatically:

wp init-wpb

Creating Blocks

💡 Quick Start (recommended)
Create blocks quickly using WP-Battery CLI:

wp create-wpb-block --name=project-info --title="Project Info"

Create WPB blocks manually

If you need to add or modify blocks manually or just want to dig deeper:

  1. Create a folder blocks in your wpb directory
  2. For each block, create a new folder (e.g., project-info)
  3. Add required files:
  "name": "acf/project-info",
  "title": "Project Info",
  "description": "Project Info",
  "category": "common",
  "icon": "visibility",
  "keywords": ["project-info"],
  "acf": {
    "mode": "preview",
    "renderCallback": ["Larsgowebdev\\WPBattery\\Renderer\\BlockRenderer", "renderACFBlock"]

Create project-info-block-template.twig:

{% block content %}
   <!-- put your template content here -->
{% endblock %}
block-renderer.php (Optional)

Create project-info-block-renderer.php if you need additional data processing:


function render_project_info($context)
    $context['foo'] = 'bar';
    return $context;

// You can have multiple render functions - they'll be executed in order
function render_project_info_additional($context)
    $context['foo2'] = 'bar2';
    return $context;

$context will be made available in your block's twig template

By Default, your block twig template will have the following variables available:

  • field: All of the ACF field data
  • attributes, previewFieldObjects: (ACF) Block metadata, can be used for a customized editor preview.
  • isPreview: true when rendering the block preview in the editor, can be used for a customized editor preview. Irrelevant for frontend rendering.

Creating Page Templates

💡 Quick Start (recommended)
Create page templates easily using WP-Battery CLI:

wp create-wpb-page --name=standard

In-Depth: Create WPB pages manually

If you need to add or modify pages manually or just want to dig deeper:

  1. Create a folder pages in your wpb directory
  2. For each template type, create a new folder (e.g., standard)
  3. Add required files:

Create standard-page-template.twig:

<!doctype html>
<html {{ site.language_attributes }}>
<title>{{ wp_title }} | {{ }}</title>

{{ function('wp_head') }}

<body class="{{ body_class }}">
    {% block header %}
        {% include 'pages/header.twig' %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block content %}
    {% endblock %}

    {% block footer %}
        {% include 'pages/footer.twig' %}
    {% endblock %}

    {{ function('wp_footer') }}
page-renderer.php (Optional)

Create standard-page-renderer.php if you need additional data processing:


function render_standard($context)
    $context['foo'] = 'bar';
    return $context;

// You can have multiple render functions - they'll be executed in order
function render_standard2($context)
    $context['foo2'] = 'bar2';
    return $context;

$context will be made available in your page's twig template

By Default, your page twig template will have the following variables available:

  • post: The Post object of the current page
  • options: Custom values from options pages
  • menus: Array of all menus that you registered (see below).
  • fields: ACF fields attached to this page (see get_fields())

Registering Menus

💡 Quick Start (recommended)
Create menu configurations quickly using WP-Battery CLI:

wp create-wpb-menu --name=main

In-Depth: Register menus manually

If you need to add or modify menus manually or just want to dig deeper:

  1. Create a folder menus in your wpb directory
  2. Add PHP files for each menu configuration:

Menu configuration files return an associative array defining the menu structure:

// menus/main-menu.php
return [
    'Menu Name' => [
        'items' => [
                'menu-item-title' => 'New Menu Item Title',
                'menu-item-url' => '',

Registering ACF Options Pages

💡 Quick Start (recommended)
Create options pages easily using WP-Battery CLI:

wp create-wpb-options --name=site-settings

In-Depth: Register option pages manually

If you need to add or modify menus manually or just want to dig deeper:

  1. Create a folder options in your wpb directory
  2. Add PHP files for each options page:

Options configuration files return an associative array defining the ACF options page.

// options/site-settings.php
return [
    'identifier' => [
        'page_title' => 'Page Title',
        'menu_title' => 'Menu Title',
        'menu_slug'  => 'menu-slug',
        'capability' => 'edit_posts',
        'position'   => '25',
        'redirect'   => false

Registering Custom Post Types

💡 Quick Start (recommended)
Create custom post types easily using WP-Battery CLI:

wp create-wpb-post-type --name=product --namespace=my-theme

In-Depth: Register custom post types manually

If you need to add or modify post types manually or just want to dig deeper:

  1. Create a folder post-types in your wpb directory
  2. Add PHP files for each custom post type

Custom Post Types configuration files return an associative array:

  • the post type name as key (in this example 'product')
  • the configuration as value - consult the WordPress Post Type API for that
// post-types/post-type-product.php
return [
    'product' => [
        'label'               => __( 'Products', 'my-theme'),
        'description'         => __( 'Products offered in the store', 'my-theme'),
        'labels'              => [
            'name'                => _x( 'Products', 'Post Type General Name', 'my-theme'),
        // Features this CPT supports in Post Editor
        'supports'            => [
            'title', 'editor', 'excerpt', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'comments', 'revisions', 'custom-fields', 'page-attributes'
        // You can associate this CPT with a taxonomy or custom taxonomy.
        'taxonomies'          => [
            'product-category', 'product-location'
        'hierarchical'        => true,
        'public'              => true,
        'show_ui'             => true,
        'show_in_nav_menus'   => true,
        'show_in_admin_bar'   => true,
        'capability_type'     => 'post',
        // read the WP developer docs for more options

Registering Custom Taxonomies

💡 Quick Start (recommended)
Create custom post types easily using WP-Battery CLI:

wp create-wpb-taxonomy --name=product-category --namespace=my-theme --post-type=product

In-Depth: Register taxonomies manually

If you need to add or modify post types manually or just want to dig deeper:

  1. Create a folder taxonomies in your wpb directory
  2. Add PHP files for each custom taxonomy you want to add

Taxonomy configuration files return an associative array:

  • the taxonomy name as key (in this example 'product-category')
  • the configuration array as value - make sure to consult the WordPress API documentation for register_taxonomy()
  • important: To connect a taxonomy with a post-type, the array item 'for_post_types' is required, which will be converted to the second parameter for register_taxonomy (Object type or array of object types with which the taxonomy should be associated.)
// taxonomies/taxonomy-product-category.php
return [
    'product-category' => [
        'labels' => [
            'name' => _x( 'Product Categories', 'my-theme' ),
        'hierarchical' => true,
        'show_ui' => true,
        'public' => true,
        'show_in_rest' => true,
        'show_admin_column' => true,
        'query_var' => true,
        // consult the WP docs on register_taxonomy() for more options.
        // for_post_types is not part of the WordPress API,
        // but is required for WP-Battery's taxonomy registration mechanism
        'for_post_types' => [

Additional Features explained

Managing Template Partials

  1. Create a folder template-parts in your wpb directory
  2. Organize partials in subfolders (e.g., blocks/, pages/)
  3. Reference partials in your templates:
{% block header %}
    {% include 'pages/header.twig' %}
{% endblock %}

ACF Sync

When enableACFSync is enabled in your configuration:

  • ACF field group changes are synchronized to JSON files in the acf-sync directory
  • One JSON file per field group
  • Important: In production environments, changes deployed via code must be synchronized manually

Contact Form 7 Templates

This enables you to keep your CF7 templates in files.

  1. Create a folder cf7-templates in your wpb directory
  2. Add your Contact Form 7 template files here
  3. Reference them in your configuration using the form hash:
'contactForm7Templates' => [
    '48899ec' => 'contact-form.twig',

Configuration Reference

Full Configuration Example

Here's a comprehensive example showing all available options:

$wpBattery = new WPBattery(
    themeNamespace: 'my-theme',
    settings: [
        'themeSupport' => [
        'registerBlocks' => true,
        'registerMenus' => true,
        'registerOptions' => true,
        'enableACFSync' => true,
        'allowSVGUploads' => true,
        'disallowNonACFBlocks' => true,
        'disableComments' => true,
        'enableViteAssets' => true,
        'viteBuildDir' => 'build',
        'viteEntryPoint' => 'frontend/vite.entry.js',
        'includeFrontendCSS' => [
            'main-style' => [
                'path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/main.css',
                'dependencies' => [],
                'version' => '1.0.0',
                'media' => 'all'
        'includeFrontendJS' => [
            'main-script' => [
                'path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/main.js',
                'dependencies' => ['jquery'],
                'version' => '1.0.0',
                'args' => ['strategy' => 'defer']
        'includeAdminCSS' => [
            'admin-style' => [
                'path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/admin/admin.css',
        'includeAdminJS' => [
            'admin-script' => [
                'path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/admin/admin.js',
                'dependencies' => ['wp-blocks'],
        'contactForm7Templates' => [
            '48899ec' => 'contact-form.twig',
        'addMetaTags' => [
            'viewport' => 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no',
    enableCache: true

Settings explained

Theme Support (themeSupport)

Array of WordPress theme features to enable. Common options include:

'themeSupport' => [
    'menus',                // Enable WordPress menus
    'post-thumbnails',      // Enable featured images
    'editor-styles',        // Enable block editor styles
    'responsive-embeds',    // Enable responsive embedded content
    'align-wide',          // Enable wide/full alignment for blocks
    'custom-logo',         // Enable custom logo support
    // etc...

Block Registration (registerBlocks)

When enabled, automatically registers all block.json files found in your theme's blocks directory.

'registerBlocks' => true    // Scans and registers all block.json files

Menu Registration (registerMenus)

When enabled, processes menu configuration files from your theme's menu directory.

'registerMenus' => true     // Registers menus from PHP configuration files

ACF Options Pages (registerOptions)

Automatically registers ACF options pages from configuration files.

'registerOptions' => true   // Creates ACF options pages from config files

ACF Sync (enableACFSync)

Enables ACF field synchronization using PHP files.

'enableACFSync' => true    // Enables ACF JSON sync functionality

SVG Upload Support (allowSVGUploads)

Enables SVG file uploads in the WordPress media library.

'allowSVGUploads' => true  // Allows SVG file uploads

ACF-Only Blocks (disallowNonACFBlocks)

Restricts the block editor to only show ACF blocks.

'disallowNonACFBlocks' => true  // Hides all non-ACF blocks

Comment System (disableComments)

Completely removes WordPress comment functionality.

'disableComments' => true   // Removes all comment functionality

Vite.js Integration (enableViteAssets, viteBuildDir, viteEntryPoint)

Configure Vite.js asset building:

'enableViteAssets' => true,
'viteBuildDir' => 'build',              // Directory for compiled assets
'viteEntryPoint' => 'frontend/vite.entry.js'  // Main entry point

Frontend Asset Inclusion

Include CSS and JavaScript files in the frontend:

'includeFrontendCSS' => [
    'main-style' => [
        'path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/main.css',
        'dependencies' => [],
        'version' => '1.0.0',
        'media' => 'all'
'includeFrontendJS' => [
    'main-script' => [
        'path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/js/main.js',
        'dependencies' => ['jquery'],
        'version' => '1.0.0',
        'args' => ['strategy' => 'defer']

Admin Asset Inclusion

Include CSS and JavaScript files in the admin area:

'includeAdminCSS' => [
    'admin-style' => [
        'path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/admin/admin.css',
        'dependencies' => [],
        'version' => '1.0.0',
        'media' => 'all'
'includeAdminJS' => [
    'admin-script' => [
        'path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/assets/admin/admin.js',
        'dependencies' => ['wp-blocks'],
        'version' => '1.0.0',
        'args' => []

Contact Form 7 Templates (contactForm7Templates)

Map Contact Form 7 forms to Twig templates:

'contactForm7Templates' => [
    '48899ec' => 'contact-form.twig',  // Form hash => template path

Additional Head Meta Tags (addMetaTags)

Provide additional meta tags for wp_head as an array (key = tag name, value = tag content).

'addMetaTags' => [
    'viewport' => 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no',

Cache Management

The plugin includes a caching system for better performance. You can manage it using:

// Clear cache for specific theme

// Clear all WP-Battery cache


This project is licensed under the GPL-2.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details.