
Laravelha Generator

v2.0.1 2020-10-18 22:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 19:34:52 UTC


Laravel RAD Package based on Laravel-5-Generators-Extended


After install fresh Laravel application:

  1. Install preset composer require laravelha/preset-api --dev or composer require laravelha/preset-web --dev
  2. Run preset php artisan preset ha-api or php artisan preset ha-web --option=auth
  3. Via composer require laravelha/generator --dev
  4. Run php artisan ha-generator:<COMMAND> <ARGUMENTS> <OPTIONS> to create automatically generated code.
  5. The following commands are available.:
ha-generator:migration      "Create a new migration class and apply schema at the same time"
ha-generator:model          "Create a new model class and apply schema at the same time"
ha-generator:factory        "Create a new factory class and apply schema at the same time"
ha-generator:requests       "Create a new requests class and apply schema at the same time"
ha-generator:controller     "Create a new controller and resources for api"
ha-generator:resources      "Create a new resources class and apply schema at the same time"
ha-generator:route          "Insert new resources routes"
ha-generator:test           "Create a new feature test and apply schema at the same time"
ha-generator:lang           "Create a new lang resource and apply schema at the same time"
ha-generator:view           "Create a new views resource and apply schema at the same time"
ha-generator:breadcrumb     "Insert new resources breadcrumb"
ha-generator:nav            "Insert new nav item"
ha-generator:crud           "Run all commands"
ha-generator:existing:crud  "Run all commands from a existing database"
ha-generator:package        "Create scaffolding structure to packages"
  1. For more information for each command use: php artisan help ha-generator:<COMMAND>

Happy way

This is my approach to use it.

  1. Install laravel fresh application
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog && cd blog
  1. Make the first commit
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'feat: install laravel fresh app'
  1. Install Laravelha/Preset for your case
composer require laravelha/preset-web --dev
  1. Run preset
php artisan preset ha-web --option=auth
  1. Make the commit
git add .
git commit -m 'feat: install and run laravel laravelha/preset-web with auth'
  1. Install generator and publish config
composer require laravelha/generator --dev
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=ha-generator
  1. Run crud generator
php artisan ha-generator:crud Category -s 'title:string(150), description:text:nullable, published_at:timestamp:nullable'
  1. Commit then
git add .
git commit -m 'feat: create category crud by generator'
  1. Run other crud generator
php artisan ha-generator:crud Post -s 'title:string(150), content:text, published_at:timestamp:nullable, category_id:unsignedBigInteger:foreign'
  1. Commit last crud
git add .
git commit -m 'feat: create post crud by generator'

It is very important that the stage is clean before running the generator, because if you give up what was generated it is possible to undo completely with git clean -fd; git checkout .

Every command generated is store on /storage/logs, if you need detailer each command within crud, use the option --log-details

Auto generated structure

└── Http
    ├── Controllers
    |   ├── Auth
    |   ├── IndexController.php
    |   └── <SINGULAR_CLASS_NAME>Controller.php
    └── Requests
        └── Requests
            ├── <SINGULAR_CLASS_NAME>StoreRequest.php
            └── <SINGULAR_CLASS_NAME>UpdateRequest.php
└── ha-generator.php

├── factories
|   └── <SINGULAR_CLASS_NAME>Factory.php
└── migrations
  └── YYYY_MM_DD_HHmmSS_create_<PLURAL_CLASS_NAME>_table.php

├── lang/pt-br
|   └── <PLURAL_CLASS_NAME>.php
└── views
       ├── create.blade
       ├── delete.blade
       ├── edit.blade
       ├── index.blade
       └── show.blade
├── api.php
├── breadcrumbs.php
└── web.php


API api generated from generator
WEB web application generated from generator
