laravel/sanctum suggesters (9)

  • PHP


    Admin panel generator for Laravel 8 and based on Vuetify Admin, a separate SPA admin framework running on top of REST APIs.

  • PHP


    Admin panel generator for Laravel 8 and based on Vuetify Admin, a separate SPA admin framework running on top of REST APIs.

  • PHP


    Package for handling PX User authentication for Laravel.

  • PHP


    Admin panel generator for Laravel 8 and based on Vuetify Admin, a separate SPA admin framework running on top of REST APIs.

  • PHP


    Admin panel generator for Laravel 8 and based on Vuetify Admin, a separate SPA admin framework running on top of REST APIs.

  • PHP


    Enterprise-grade Crud generator for Laravel 12 with theme integration

  • thcdelux3/laravel-package

    CRUD generator for Laravel 10

  • PHP


    Admin panel generator for Laravel 8 and based on Vuetify Admin, a separate SPA admin framework running on top of REST APIs.

    Abandoned! See okami101/laravel-admin

  • Blade


    Backend controllers and scaffolding for building your own Laravel authentication.