Bulma Frontend Preset For Laravel Framework 7

dev-master 2020-03-31 17:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 06:37:47 UTC


Bulma Frontend Preset For Laravel Framework 7 and Up

Current version: Bulma ^v0.8.0 + Bulma Extensions ^v6.2.7


Install this preset via composer require laravel-7-frontend-presets/bulma.

and follow instructions below.


  1. Fresh install Laravel 7 (and up) and cd to your app.
  2. Install this preset via composer require laravel-7-frontend-presets/bulma. No need to register the service provider. Laravel 5.5 & up can auto detect the package.
  3. Use php artisan ui bulma for basic Bulma preset. OR Use php artisan ui bulma --auth for basic preset, Auth route entry and Bulma Auth views in one go.
  4. npm install
  5. npm run dev
  6. npm run dev will give you an error: vertical-align: middle;
  7. go to node_modules then bulma-extension then bulma-slider then sass and edit the index.sass at line 86 delete the ; you only need vertical-align: middle and same with line 91 delete the ;
  8. npm run dev it should works now.
  9. Configure your favorite database (mysql, sqlite etc.)
  10. php artisan migrate to create basic user tables.
  11. php artisan serve (or equivalent) to run server and test preset.

Bulma Pagination Template

  1. Upto Laravel 5.6 - Vendor publish and replace the code from here default.blade.php
  2. Laravel 5.7 and up - Vendor publish and replace the code from here bootstrap-4.blade.php

Bulma Extensions

  1. It is a set of missing Bulma.io functionalities in the form of extensions. More info at https://wikiki.github.io/
  2. Customize bulma.sass, bulma-extensions.sass, bulma-extensions.js and app.js as needed.


Bulma login screen Bulma login screen