
Simple laravel package for Payex Payment Gateway.

1.1.0 2024-01-25 19:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 22:12:15 UTC


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A simple laravel package for Payex Payment Gateway.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require laraditz/payex

Before Start

Configure your variables in your .env (recommended) or you can publish the config file and change it there.

PAYEX_SANDBOX_MODE=true # true or false for sandbox mode

(Optional) You can publish the config file via this command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laraditz\Payex\PayexServiceProvider" --tag="config"

Run the migration command to create the necessary database table.

php artisan migrate

Available Methods

Below are all methods available under this package.

  • createPayment(array $requestPayload) - Create payment intent.
  • getTransactions(array $params) - Get all transactions.
  • getTransaction(string $id) - Get specific transaction by txn_id.


Create Payment

To create payment and get the payment URL to be redirected to. You can use service container or facade.

// Create a payment

// Using service container
$payex = app('payex')->createPayment([
            'amount' => '100', //in cents
            'customer_name' => 'Farhan',
            'description' => 'some description here',
            'return_url' => 'https://yourreturn.url'

// Using facade
$payment = \Payex::createPayment([
            'amount' => '100', //in cents
            'customer_name' => 'Farhan',
            'description' => 'some description here',
            'return_url' => 'https://yourreturn.url'

Return example:

    "status" => true,
    "id" => "991f24s0-5470-41c5-9b3c-9841d72d32e5",
    "ref_no" => "Xvs9k43y",
    "currency_code" => "MYR",
    "key" => "f5e3168fef3b5ed7826c689a37dce58e",
    "payment_url" => ""

Redirect to the payment_url to proceed to Payex payment page. Once done, you will be redirected to the return_url. Below is the sample response returned.

  "amount": "1",
  "currency": "MYR",
  "customer_name": "Farhan",
  "description": "some description here",
  "reference_number": "Xvs9k43y",
  "mandate_reference_number": null,
  "payment_intent": "f5e3168fef3b5ed7826c689a37dce58e",
  "collection_id": "zg3RcR5y",
  "invoice_id": null,
  "txn_id": "PX1068201c1315547307",
  "external_txn_id": "20230502211212840110171535215420691",
  "response": "SUCCESS",
  "auth_code": "00",
  "auth_number": null,
  "txn_date": "20230502075957",
  "fpx_mode": null,
  "fpx_buyer_name": null,
  "fpx_buyer_bank_id": null,
  "fpx_buyer_bank_name": null,
  "card_holder_name": null,
  "card_number": null,
  "card_expiry": null,
  "card_brand": "N.A.",
  "card_issuer": null,
  "card_on_file": null,
  "signature": "bcd39079a409751ebb4c64c1f8acc53cd0439896a731a513b6753e9f909d6a08a79a04cd5a9cf8d6d27d93206dfa35074ee607e790e242ee547407fa5af9f05a",
  "txn_type": "Touch 'n Go eWallet",
  "nonce": "eMygaAdk3cryXM5DSLoidNIQrwhW7b0wCmQ6CG0B6z5VNeBbm8yXhLjAPQcXL0WL",
  "metadata": "{}"


This package also provide some events to allow your application to listen to it. You can create your listener and register it under event below.

Event Description
Laraditz\Payex\Events\CallbackReceived Received backend response from Payex for a payment. Can use to update your payment status and other details


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.