
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Dynamic and autonomous Administration Panel for Laravel 5

Installs: 92

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0



1.0.13 2017-09-26 10:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-02-03 00:28:08 UTC




monkyz logo Monkyz :: dynamic admin panel

lab1353 Total Downloads Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

Monkyz is a dynamic and autonomous Administration Panel for Laravel 5.2 .

It adapts to existing database by creating a full CRUD management for any table existing. No configuration required: without writing a single line of code, your control panel is ready for use.

Table of Contents


The requirements are:

  • PHP >= 5.5.9
  • Laravel 5.2


First, pull in the package through Composer:

php composer.phar require lab1353/monkyz

or, for the latest version, in development (it may not be stable):

php composer.phar require lab1353/monkyz:dev-master

And then, within config/app.php, include the service provider:

'providers' => [

Finally, publish the assets:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lab1353\Monkyz\MonkyzServiceProvider"

This command will publish:

  • views in: resources/views/vendor/monkyz/
  • configuration files: config/
  • assets: public/vendor/monkyz/

General Informations

Assets Files

The file css/monkyz.min.css was generated by a SCSS file. If you are interested in changing the SCSS source files, you can find here: vendor/lab1353/monkyz/resources/assets/scss/.

The file public/vendor/monkyz/js/monkyz.min.js has been compressed. The original files are in: vendor/lab1353/monkyz/resources/assets/js/.

Tables Relationships

Relations between tables must follow directions imposed by Eloquent. For more information read the section Eloquent: Relationships

Monkyz currently only supports one-to-one and many-to-one relationships.


File monkyz.php

The file config/monkyz.php contains the configuration details of Monkyz:

  • prefix: prefix of url for access at Monkyz
  • use_https (true|false): force chema https
  • use_auth (true|false): laravel authentication, otherwise access to panel is automatically
  • cache_minutes: minutes of duration of cache
  • path_public_temp: folder name, in public path, for temporary files
  • vendors: array for define vendors assets version

File monkyz-tables.php

The file config/monkyz-tables.php contains parameters for generate the dynamic configuration of the DB structure:

  • input_from_type: array to find the relative input according to the field type defined on the database
  • input_from_name: array to find the relative input according to the name of field
  • fields_name_hide_in_edit: array of field's name that will be hidden in edit (such as: created_at, updated_at, deleted_at)
  • tables: view the details

This file can be automatically generated with the artisan command monkyz:generate-db

Parameter tables

The tables parameter are the ovveride array of dynamic DB structure:

'table_name'	=> [	// name of table in db
	'title'	=> 'Table',
	'icon'	=> 'fa fa-table fa-fw',
	'visible'	=> true,
  'ajax_list' => false,
	'fields'	=> [
		'field_name'	=> [	// name of field in db
			'title'	=> 'Column',
      'input' => 'text',
			'order'	=> 'asc',
			'in_list'	=> true,
			'in_edit'	=> true,
			'enum'	=> [
				'attr'	=> 'value'
			'file'	=> [
				'disk'	=> 'local',
				'path'	=> 'uploads/',
				'overwrite'	=> true,
				'resize'	=> false,
				'resize_height_px'	=> 1000,
				'resize_width_px'	=> 1000,
			'relation'	=> [
				'table'	=> 'table2',
				'field_value'	=> 'id',
				'field_text'	=> 'name',
			'attributes'	=> [
				'attr'	=> 'value'
Table parameters
  • title: title of table
  • icon: the fontawesome icon
  • visible (true|false): visibility of table in the sidebar menù
  • ajax_list (true|false): defines whether to activate the ajax paging and filtering
  • fields: list of fields in table
Fields parameters
  • title: title of column
  • input: The values for this parameter are:
    • block: the <pre> block to display formatted text
    • checkbox: checkbox true/false
    • color: hex color selector (for details see: W3C HTML Forms)
    • date: only date tag (for details see: W3C HTML Forms)
    • datetime: date and time (for details see: W3C HTML Forms)
    • editor: a simple wysiwyg editor (used Bootstrap3 Wysiwyg)
    • enum: select box for enum (mandatory to define the parameter enum)
    • file: file upload (mandatory to define the parameter file)
    • hidden: field hidden used, by default, to the key fields
    • image: file upload for only image (accepted extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png) (mandatory to define the parameter file)
    • number: number tag (for details see: W3C HTML Forms)
    • relation: select box with the relation with another table (mandatory to define the parameter relation)
    • tel: telephone number (for details see: W3C HTML Forms)
    • text: text tag for string
    • textarea: textarea tag
    • url: url tag (for details see: W3C HTML Forms)
    • (You can create your own custom fields)
  • order: (null|asc|desc) defines the default table sorting
  • in_list (true|false): visibility in list
  • in_edit (true|false): visibility in edit and add record
  • enum: array 'key' => 'value' for populate the select box
  • file: file/image field details
    • disk: disk name for Storage class, configured in config files filesystems.php (for more info see Laravel Filesystem Documentation). If no one is indicated, it takes the default disk.
    • path: relative path of images uploaded
    • overwrite (true|false): overwrite the file if it already exists
    • resize (true|false): if field is a image, determines if the uploaded image will be resized
    • resize_height_px: pixel in height for resize image
    • resize_width_px: pixel in width for resize image
  • relation: relationship field details
    • table: name of relationship's table
    • field_value: name of value field of relationship's table
    • field_text: name of text field of relationship's table
  • attributes: array ('key' => 'value') of extra attributes in input

In automatically search for the type of the field input, it is to be more important to the input_from_name parameter rather than a input_from_type.

!!! ATTENTION !!! Monkyz currently only supports one-to-one and many-to-one relationships. All tables of many-to-many relationship will have to be defined in config file monkyz-tables.php and setting the parameter visible to false.


You can decide whether or not to use authentication to access the administration panel. You can define it with use_auth parameter in the configuration file monkyz.php.

If use_auth parameters is true, Monkyz uses Laravel authentication. If you want to use auth, you can run artisan command php artisan make:auth.

Otherwise, if use_auth is false, the access to Monkyz is automatic.

Artisan Commands


Monkyz provides the artisan command:

php artisan monkyz:tables

This command allows you to automatically fill in the monkyz-tables.php config file.

It will automatically create all the necessary references to Monkyz for the db structure. Not overwrite already entered parameters: only add the parameters have not been set.


Custom Fields

Monkyz allows the creation of types of custom fields in the edit page of the record.

To create it, follow these steps:

  1. If you have not already done so, to publish the views:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Lab1353\Monkyz\Providers\MonkyzServiceProvider"

The following command will be published the views files in: /resources/views/vendor/monkyz

  1. Go to the resources/views/vendor/monkyz/ folder and create a new file blade, appointing him as your new field (for example: custom):
cd resources/views/vendor/monkyz
touch custom.blade.php

You can add css references using the section css:


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="..." />

or js with the section scripts:


  <script type="text/javascript" src="..."></script>
  1. Edit the new file as you prefer. Know that, the view, the following variables are passed:
  • $field: name of database column
  • $record: the Eloquent Model (to retrieve the value of the field then use: $record->$field)
  • $params: array of field parameters
  1. Now you can use your personal type of field, setting the parameter of the input fields:
'table_name'	=> [	// name of table in db
	'fields'	=> [
		'field_name'	=> [	// name of field in db
			'input'	=> 'custom',	// <-- change 'custom' with your custom field name

Google Analytics

In the dashboard, you can view the statistics taken from Google Analytics.

Monkyz used spatie/laravel-analytics package that requires a particular configuration to be able to retrieve data from Google Analytics.

You have to follow the official guide to create the file storage/app/laravel-google-analytics/service-account-credentials.json. Once you create the file, set the viewId parameter in the Settings page.


To report a issues, use GitHub Issues.

For help with common problems, see

Change Log

Please see for more information what has changed recently.

Into The Future

  • compatibility with Laravel 5.4
  • import/export configurations
  • manage useSoftDelete in model
  • roles for access sections
  • Laravel validation rules for fields
  • multi files uploads




Monkyz was made using the following css/js:

All vendors files are loaded in CDN.


Copyright and License

Monkyz was written by Daniele Montecchi of lab1353.

Monkyz is released under the MIT License. See the file for details.