
Generate PSR compliant classes from plain text document

1.0.0 2012-11-20 06:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 15:20:01 UTC


Generate PSR compliant classes from plain text document


  • PHP 5.3.3 +


Download phar

Download php-cg.phar and store anywhere.

via Composer

    "require": {
        "kzykhys/php-class-generator": "dev-master"


Write your class and save the text file to *.pcg (Syntax is described below) For example ./doc/myclass.pcg

KzykHys\ClassGenerator\Sample < KzykHys\ClassGenerator\Container << \IteratorAggrigate \Countable
> The sample of PHP Class Generator
> Generates PHP classes from plain text document (*.pcg)
+ iterator:\ArrayIterator
# container:array
# length:integer[get set] > The length of code
# compiled:boolean[is set] > Whether this class is compiled or not
- options:array
- generator:Generator[get set]
+ __construct(options:array)
+ generate(document:string version:string):\KzykHys\ClassGenerator\Compiler\StreamWriter
+ getString():string > Returns the code as a string
+ write(filename:string) > Write the code to file
+ count():integer
# traverseContainer():Container

Run the command

$ php php-pcg.phar --from ./doc --to ./src

PHP file will be generated to ./src/Full/Qualified/ClassName.php


namespace KzykHys\ClassGenerator;

 * The sample of PHP Class Generator
 * Generates PHP classes from plain text document (*.pcg)
class Sample extends Container implements \IteratorAggrigate, \Countable {

     * @var \ArrayIterator $iterator
    public $iterator;

     * @var array $container
    protected $container;

     * The length of code
     * @var integer $length
    protected $length;

     * Whether this class is compiled or not
     * @var boolean $compiled
    protected $compiled;

     * @var array $options
    private $options;

     * @var Generator $generator
    private $generator;

     * @param array $options
    public function __construct(array $options)

     * @param string $document
     * @param string $version
     * @return \KzykHys\ClassGenerator\Compiler\StreamWriter
    public function generate($document, $version)

     * Returns the code as a string
     * @return string
    public function getString()

     * Write the code to file
     * @param string $filename
    public function write($filename)

     * @return integer
    public function count()

     * @return Container
    protected function traverseContainer()


The Syntax


  • Class Definition (required)
  • Field Definition (optionai)
  • Method Definition (optional)

Class Definition (required)

%ClassName% < %BaseClassName% << %InterfaceName% %InterfaceName% > %Comment%
> %Comment%
  • %ClassName% is required ** If your class is in the namespace, %ClassName% will be like this \\Namespace\\Package\\ClassName
  • < represents extends
  • %BaseClassName% is optional
  • << represents implements
  • %InterfaceName% is optional
  • > starts comment to end of the line
  • You can place comments to same line and next line of class definition

Field Definition (optional)

%FieldVisibility% %FieldName% : %FieldType% \[%FieldAccessor%\] > %Comment%
> %Comment%
  • %FieldVisibility% is required
  • %FieldVisibility% takes + as public # as protected - as private
  • %FieldName% is required
  • %FieldType% is optional
  • %FieldAccessor% takes set, bind as setter, get, is as getter
  • > starts comment to end of the line
  • You can place comments to same line and next line of field definition

Method Definition (optionai)

%MethodVisibility% %MethodName% (%Argument% : %ArgumentType%) : %ReturnType%
  • %MethodVisibility% is required
  • %MethodVisibility% takes + as public # as protected - as private
  • %MethodName% is required
  • Braces () are required (even if there is no argument)
  • %Argument% and %ArgumentType% is optional
  • %ReturnType% is optional

Write a Readable Document

You can use any white spaces to write a readable document

Following code is same as the code used in Usage

KzykHys\ClassGenerator\Sample < KzykHys\ClassGenerator\Container << \IteratorAggrigate \Countable
    > The sample of PHP Class Generator
    > Generates PHP classes from plain text document (*.pcg)

+  iterator : \ArrayIterator
# container : array
#    length : integer[get set]
            > The length of code
#  compiled : boolean[is set]
            > Whether this class is compiled or not
-   options : array
- generator : Generator[get set]

+   __construct(options:array)
+    generate(document:string
               version:string) : \KzykHys\ClassGenerator\Compiler\StreamWriter
+                  getString() : string
                               > Returns the code as a string
+       write(filename:string)
                               > Write the code to file
+                      count() : integer
#          traverseContainer() : Container

Build Phar Archive

You can build phar archive from source code by following command

php-cg build

If fails like this

  creating archive "php-cg.phar" disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly

Run following

php -d phar.readonly=0 php-cg build


  • Class constant is not supported yet.
  • Implementation of interface is not generated automatically.


Kazuyuki Hayashi (@kzykhys)