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Base template for generating highly optimized webservice SDKs

1.1.1 2024-10-02 13:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 14:28:15 UTC



This project provides a basic quick-start template for creating Webservice clients.


Instead of repeating the same things over and over again for every webservice client that your application needs, this template provides a quick and easy solution for building and mapping endspoints to your client, providing a structured approach for endpoint representation, environment mapping and error handling.


To get started, just extend the base Core/Client and create your first endpoint, following the example below:

# OpenMeteoClient.php

namespace Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp;

use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Endpoint\ForecastEndpoint;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Exception\OpenMeteoException;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Client;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Exception\HttpException;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Http\Client\GuzzleHttpClient;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Http\Response;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\IO\JsonSerializer;

class OpenMeteoClient extends Client
    public function __construct(int $version = 1)
            new OpenMeteoEnvironment($version),
            new GuzzleHttpClient(),
            new JsonSerializer()

    public function forecast(): ForecastEndpoint
        return ForecastEndpoint::create($this, $this);


    // @NOTE:
    // Dealing with errors on 200 status codes
    protected function responseReceived(Response $response): Response
        if ($response->getParsedPath('error')) {
            throw new OpenMeteoException((string)$response->getParsedPath('reason'), 0, null, $response);

        return $response;

    // @NOTE:
    // Translating Client/Server errors
    protected function exceptionThrown(Throwable $e): void
        if ($e instanceof HttpException && $e->getResponse()) {

        throw $e;
# ForecastEndpoint.php

namespace Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Endpoint;

use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Model\Forecast;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Model\ForecastSettings;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Core\Endpoint;

class ForecastEndpoint extends Endpoint
    protected string $location = '/forecast';

    // @NOTE:
    // Using a more object-oriented approach using an Endpoint object.
    public function now(ForecastSettings $forecastSettings): Forecast
        $response = $this->get($forecastSettings->jsonSerialize());
        return Forecast::parse($response->getParsed());
# usage.php

require_once __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';

use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Model\ForecastSettings;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\OpenMeteoClient;
use Kubinyete\ExampleSdkPhp\Exception\HttpClientException;

$client = new OpenMeteoClient();

try {
    $forecast = $client->forecast()->now(new ForecastSettings(52.52, 13.41, true));
} catch (HttpClientException $e) {
    echo "Bad request!" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Message: {$e->getMessage()}" . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Response: {$e->getResponse()->getBody()}" . PHP_EOL;