
PHP library for the Twitter Streaming API

v0.2 2017-02-12 18:38 UTC

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Last update: 2024-04-27 17:42:39 UTC


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PHP library for Twitter Streaming API.

Twitteer Streaming API documentation: https://dev.twitter.com/streaming/overview


The esiest way to install Callisto is using composer

$ composer require ktamashun/callisto


Create a Twitter app

First go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and create a new Twitter app. To authenticate to the Twitter Streaming API you will need a CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN and an ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET. These can be found on the Keys and access tokens tab within your application.

Running the examples

The examples can be found in the examples directory.

The directory contains a sample config file: env.sample.php. Use this to create a local one called env.local.php and fill in the CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, ACCESS_TOKEN and ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET constants with the ones from your application.

The esiest way to run the examples is to use a Docker container. Run this command from the project's root directory:

$ docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/www/ -w /www/examples php:7.1-alpine php filter_example.php

Using the filter stream

There are five type of filters in the \Callisto\RequestParameters namespace.

  • FilterLevel: This can be used to filter out tweets that for example would not be appropriate during a presentation.
  • Follow: You can use this parameter follow the activity of certain users.
  • Language: Filter tweets that were written in one or more given languages.
  • Location: Filter tweets that were written in a certain geographic area. Please read carefully Twitter's documentation about location filtering.
  • Track: You can track specific words.

You can read about fiiter parameters in detail in the Twitter API documentation.

Example usage:

$stream = new \Callisto\Stream\Filter($oauth);
		// Track custom phrases
		new Callisto\RequestParameter\Track(['twitter']),
		// Filter Tweets by language
		new Callisto\RequestParameter\Language(['en', 'de']),
		// Filter tweets from New York or San Francisco
		new Callisto\RequestParameter\Location(
				[-74, 40, -73, 41],
				[-122.75, 36.8, -121.75, 37.8],
		// Follow specific users
		new Callisto\RequestParameter\Follow(['123456789', '987654321']),
		// Set filter level for the stream
		new Callisto\RequestParameter\FilterLevel(Callisto\RequestParameter\FilterLevel::LOW)

foreach ($stream->readStream() as $jsonStatus) {
	echo $jsonStatus;


This library follows SemVer v2.0.0.


The library is tested using PHPUnit. You can run the test like:

$ ./vendor/phpunit/phpunit ./tests


Tamás Kovács


The MIT License (MIT). Please see the License File for more information.