
Epay PHP Libary

v1.1.1 2016-10-20 16:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-23 06:20:11 UTC


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Epay PHP Libary

This is a PHP libary for Epay. It mimics the Stripe PHP Libary to allow for a cleaner and easier to use API.

Install the package by doing: composer require krve/epay

Work in progress

Current Todo

  • Better test coverage
  • Better Epay API Coverage
  • Rewrite base API Class


You will probably notice that in the documentation there is several references to $customer_id. Customer ID references the subscriptionid you get back after having used the Epay Payment window. Don't worry about the mismatch in naming, it's simply called $customer_id so it fits the class Epay/Customer.

To set the your Merchant ID, Epay Webservice password and default currency make use of Epay/Epay. This needs to be done BEFORE making any calls to the api

Epay::useCurrency('EUR', 978)


You can both retrieve and delete a Customer using the API. See examples below.

$customer = Customer::retrieve($customer_id);
$customer = Customer::retrieve($customer_id);

You can also get the customers subscriptions.

$subscriptions = $customer->subscriptions();


See example below.

$charge = Charge::create([
    'amount' => 1000,
    'customer' => $customer_id,
    'order' => uniqid(),
    'description' => 'Charge description'

You also have the ability to specify a custom currency.

$charge = Charge::create([
    'amount' => 1000,
    'customer' => $customer_id,
    'order' => uniqid(),
    'description' => 'Charge description',
    'currency' => 840,


For the moment you can only create a very basic plan using the API. If you want more options (You probably do) make use of Epays Plan manager.

$plan = Plan::create([
    'amount' => 2000,
    'interval' => 'yearly',
    'name' => 'Test Plan',

You can also use the Epay\Plan to fetch the plans subscriptions.

$subscriptions = $plan->subscriptions();


You can create a subscription to a plan by doing the following:

$subscription = Subscription::create([
    'customer' => $customer_id,
    'plan' => $plan_id,
    'email' => ''

This signs up the user to the plan. You also have the ability to retrieve and cancel a subscription

$subscription = Subscription::retrieve($subscription_id);

And fetch all subscriptions

$subscriptions = Subscription::all();

When you have a subscription you also have the ability to fetch the subscriptions customer. This will return a Epay\Customer instance.

$customer = $subscription->customer();

And the plan. This will return a Epay\Plan instance.

$plan = $subscription->plan();


Copy the .env.example to .env and fill out the values. Then run phpunit


If you see anything you think could be improved, feel free to fork and create a PR with your changes. Just remember to keep the same code style. (PSR-2)