
Domain event library.

0.3.0 2019-07-30 08:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 03:39:19 UTC


Build Status Coverage Status Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version

A library for using domain events.


$ composer require krixon/domain-event


Build Image and Run Container

Note: If your host machine's user does not have an ID of 1000, run the following command from the project root directory:

echo "DEV_UID=$(id -u)" > .env

This ensures that any files created in mounted directories have the correct permissions. It will also cause the host user's SSH keys and Composer cache to be used inside the container.

Build image:

$ docker-compose build

Install dependencies:

$ docker-compose run --rm library composer install

Run the tests

$ docker-compose run --rm library composer test

Coding Standard

This library uses a customised version of the Doctrine coding standard that must be followed at all times. If you're using PHPStorm you can make this easier by enabling the Code Sniffer inspection:

Navigate to Settings > Editor > Inspections and select PHP > Quality Tools > PHP Code Sniffer validation from the list. Enable the inspection. Set the severity to ERROR and check the show warning as checkbox with the option WEAK WARNING. Select the coding standard Custom and point the rule set path to the phpcs.xml.dist file at the root of the project.

To check conformance use:

$ docker-compose run --rm library composer cs


$ docker-compose run --rm library composer test

Change log

All notable changes are recorded in CHANGELOG.