
Modern PHP validator on steroids for validating forms and/or array's.


Modern PHP Validator

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Validating incoming data or array's (i.e. POST data) should not be hard. Meet Modern PHP Validator which does the trick nice, clean and easy.

Here are a couple of the many perks:

  • 100+ predefined validation rules;
  • 15+ predefined middleware or create your own custom middleware;
  • No new syntax you need to learn as in the case with i.e. Laravel Validator. Your editor/IDE can complete every validation rule, custom message, middleware, etc. out of the box;
  • Easy retrieving the validated data after validation;
  • Combine multiple fields as one for single validation (i.e. day, month, year inputs as a single date field for validation);
  • Use validation blueprints to extend other validators for DRY method;
  • Define you own validation rules and custom error messages.

Modern PHP Validator provides several approaches to validate your application's (incoming) data. It makes it a breeze to validate form submit values as combining multiple input for single validation. It supports middleware and custom validation rules and error messages. It will also return the validated data to insert the data into i.e. a database.


Modern PHP Validator is available on Packagist (using semantic versioning). Installation via Composer is the recommended way.


composer require kris-kuiper/validator

Or add this line to your composer.json file:

"kris-kuiper/validator": "^1.5"


All documentation can be found in the docs folder.


Validation rules

Below is a list with all predefined validation rules.

Accepted Date Is empty Prohibits
Accepted if DateBetween Is false Regex
Accepted not empty Declined Is int Required
Active URL Declined if Is not null Required array keys (array)
After (date) Declined not empty Is null Required with
After or equal (date) Different Is string Required with all
Alpha Different with all Is true Required without
Alpha dash Digits Json Required without all
Alpha numeric Digits between Length Same
Alpha space Digits max Length between Same not
Before (date) Digits min Length max Scalar
Before or equal (date) Distinct Length min Starts not with
Between Divisible by Lowercase Starts with
CSS Color Email MAC address Time zone
Confirmed Ends not with Max Uppercase
Contains Ends with Min URL
Contains letter Equals Negative UUID
Contains mixed case Hexadecimal Negative or zero UUID v1
Contains not In Not in UUID v3
Contains number IP Nullable UUID v4
Contains symbol IP private Number UUID v5
Count (array) IP public Positive Words
Countable (array) IP v4 Positive or zero Words max
Count between (array) IP v6 Present Words min
Count max (array) Is array Prohibited
Count min (array) Is bool Prohibited if

Head first example:

use KrisKuiper\Validator\Validator;

$data = [
    'department' => 'office',
    'color' => 'black',
    'programmer' => [
        'name' => 'Morris',
        'email' => ''

$validator = new Validator($data);

//Select department and color field and attach rules
$validator->field('department', 'color')->required(false)->isString()->lengthBetween(5, 20);

//Select email field within the programmer array and attach rules

if($validator->passes()) {
    //Validation passes

And this is just the beginning... Check out the docs for lots of more validation goodies.


Modern PHP Validator is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.