
0.1.0 2018-03-05 06:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 07:57:10 UTC


Although for the most part only public methods of classes are unit tested, it's sometimes necessary or helpful to have access to protected or private methods and properties. Exposer provides a convenient way to do this whilst keeping your tests clear and concise.


Install via Composer:

 $ composer require konsulting/exposer


Consider the following class:

class ClassUnderTest
    protected $secret = 'My secret';
    protected static $anotherSecret = 'My static secret';
    protected function add($number1, $number2)
        return $number1 + $number2;
    protected static function multiply($number1, $number2)
        return $number1 * $number2;

There are multiple ways to test the protected methods and properties on this class.

Base Exposer

The most direct way is with the BaseExposer class. The subject must be passed into each method, and may be either an instance or the (string) class name.

use Konsulting\Exposer\BaseExposer;

// With an instance
BaseExposer::hasMethod(new ClassUnderTest, 'add');                          // true
BaseExposer::invokeMethod(new ClassUnderTest, 'add', [1, 1]);               // 2
BaseExposer::getProperty(new ClassUnderTest, 'secret');                     // 'My secret'

// Static context
BaseExposer::hasMethod(ClassUnderTest::class, 'multiply');                  // true
BaseExposer::invokeMethod(ClassUnderTest::class, 'multiply', [2,2]);        // 4
BaseExposer::getProperty(ClassUnderTest::class, 'anotherSecret');           // 'My static secret'


The Exposer class allows the use of a class's inaccessible methods and properties as if they were public.

use Konsulting\Exposer\Exposer;

$exposer = Exposer::make(new ClassUnderTest);

$exposer->add(1, 1);                                // 2
$exposer->multiply(2, 2);                           // 4
$exposer->secret;                                   // 'My secret'
$exposer->anotherSecret;                            // 'My static secret'

// These non-magic methods are also available
$exposer->invokeMethod('add', [1, 1]);               // 2
$exposer->getProperty('secret');                     // 'My secret'

Exposer can also access class's static methods and properties without the need to provide an instance.

use Konsulting\Exposer\Exposer;

$exposer = Exposer::make(ClassUnderTest::class);

$exposer->multiply(2, 2);                           // 4
$exposer->anotherSecret;                            // 'My static secret'

$exposer->invokeMethod('multiply', [2, 2]);         // 4
$exposer->getProperty('anotherSecret');             // 'My static secret'

Note: Static methods and properties are available from an instance context, but of course non-static methods and properties are not available from a static context.