kompakt / b3d
Berlin3 'Details' API Wrapper
- php: >=5.4.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ~6.0
- kompakt/collection-runner: ^1.0.0
- kompakt/directory-runner: ^1.1.1
- symfony/event-dispatcher: ~2.8|~3.0|~4.0
Requires (Dev)
- kompakt/test-helper: ^1.0.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^5.0
- symfony/stopwatch: ~2.8|~3.0|~4.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-05 07:09:38 UTC
Berlin3 Details API Wrapper
Get data from "Details" endpoints, optionally cache results, load full graph per "Details" schema, build canonical product representation and serialize result to xml files.
Through Composer:
composer require kompakt/b3d
The Berlin3 Details software for music businesses provides data access in the form of full table dumps. It's up to the user to construct the graph and assemble a data model for further usage. The following entities are available: releases, products, artists, labels, prices, product-tracks, tracks and stock. These entities build up the following structure:
+ release (1)
+ label (1)
+ artist (N)
+ product (N)
+ price (N)
+ stock (1)
+ account (N)
+ product-track (N)
+ track (N)
Library Features
- Data fetchers
- Data mappers
- Raw data caching
- In-memory graph loader
- Canonical product builder
- Canonical product serializer
- Extendable event-based architecture
Internally the data is mapped to temporary entity objects. These entities are then wired up by the graphloader. From there the graph is converted to a product-based datastructure in the from of canonical products. This draws a logical border to avoid "Details" interna to leak into your domain.
+ product (contains release-, artist- and labeldata)
+ price (N)
+ track (N)
use GuzzleHttp\Client; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Endpoint\Resource\Artist\Endpoint; $artistEndpoint = new Endpoint( new Client(), '<artist-endpoint-url>', '<api-key>' ); $rawArtistData = $artistEndpoint->fetchAll();
use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Endpoint\Cache\PhpFile\Serializer; use Kompakt\B3d\Util\File\Writer; $artistSerializer = new Serializer( new Writer(), 'path/to/artist/data/file' ); $artistSerializer->serialize($rawArtistData);
Populating Entity Repository
Populating from cache:
use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Endpoint\Resource\Artist\Mapper; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Entity\Artist; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Repository\ArtistRepository; use Kompakt\B3d\Util\File\Reader; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Populator\Cache\PhpFile\Populator; $artistPopulator = new Populator( new ArtistMapper(new Artist()), new ArtistRepository(), new Reader(), 'path/to/artist/data/file' ); $artistRepository = $artistPopulator->populate(); $artists = $artistRepository->getAll();
The individual parts can also be wired up to directly fetch and populate:
use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Endpoint\Resource\Artist\Mapper; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Entity\Artist; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Repository\ArtistRepository; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Populator\Endpoint\Populator; $artistPopulator = new Populator( new ArtistMapper(new Artist()), new ArtistRepository(), $artistEndpoint );
Loading the Graph
use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Graph\Loader as GraphLoader; $graphLoader = new GraphLoader( $artistPopulator, $labelPopulator, $pricePopulator, $productPopulator, $productTrackPopulator, $releasePopulator, $trackPopulator ); $releaseRepository = $graphLoader->load();
Building and Serializing Canonical Products
use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Dom\Product\Builder as CanonicalProductDomBuilder; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Entity\Price as CanonicalPrice; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Entity\Product as CanonicalProduct; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Entity\Track as CanonicalTrack; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Converter\Details\ConverterRunner; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Converter\Details\Product as CanonicalProductConverter; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Converter\Details\Subscriber\XmlSerializer as XmlSerializerSubscriber; use Kompakt\B3d\Util\File\Writer; use Kompakt\CollectionRunner\EventNames; use Kompakt\CollectionRunner\Runner as CollectionRunner; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $eventNames = new EventNames(); $collectionRunner = new CollectionRunner($dispatcher, $eventNames); $canonicalProductConverter = new CanonicalProductConverter( new CanonicalProduct(), new CanonicalTrack(), new CanonicalPrice() ); $canonicalProductXmlSerializer = new CanonicalProductXmlSerializer( new CanonicalProductDomBuilder(), new Writer(), 'path/to/xml/output/dir' ); $serializerSubscriber = new XmlSerializerSubscriber( $dispatcher, $eventNames, $canonicalProductXmlSerializer ); $converterRunner = new ConverterRunner( $collectionRunner, $graphLoader, $canonicalProductConverter ); $serializerSubscriber->activate(); $converterRunner->load(); $converterRunner->run();
Of course, you don't necessarily need to serialize the canonical products. You could omit XmlSerializerSubscriber
and write your own event listener to directly save the data into a database
Populating Canonical Product Repository from serialized XML
use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Dom\Product\Mapper as DomProductMapper; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Entity\Price; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Entity\Product; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Entity\Track; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Populator\Xml\Subscriber\Product as Populator; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Repository\ProductRepository; use Kompakt\B3d\Canonical\Unserializer\Xml\Product as Unserializer; use Kompakt\B3d\Util\Dom\Loader as DomLoader; use Kompakt\B3d\Util\File\Reader; use Kompakt\DirectoryRunner\Runner; use Kompakt\DirectoryRunner\EventNames; use Kompakt\DirectoryRunner\Subscriber\Debugger; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); $eventNames = new EventNames(); $fileReader = new Reader(); $domLoader = new DomLoader(); $runner = new Runner( $dispatcher, $eventNames, $canonicalProductDirPathname ); $price = new Price(); $product = new Product(); $track = new Track(); $domMapper = new DomProductMapper($product, $track, $price); $repository = new ProductRepository(); $unserializer = new Unserializer( $fileReader, $domLoader, $domMapper ); $populator = new Populator( $dispatcher, $eventNames, $unserializer, $repository ); $populator->activate(); $runner->run(); foreach ($repository->getAll() as $product) { echo sprintf("%s\n", $product->getReleaseTitle()); foreach ($product->getTracks() as $track) { echo sprintf(">> %s\n", $track->getTitle()); } }
Fetching Stock
Once you have your products in place, you can fetch stocklevels. Be aware that the API returns a maximum of 200 stock items per request:
use GuzzleHttp\Client; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Endpoint\Resource\Stock\Endpoint as StockEndpoint; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Endpoint\Cache\PhpFile\Serializer as PhpFileSerializer; use Kompakt\B3d\Util\File\Writer; use Symfony\Component\Stopwatch\Stopwatch; $stockEndpoint = new StockEndpoint( new Client(), '<stock-endpoint-url>', '<api-key>' ); $stockEndpoint->fetch(['uuid-1', 'uuid-2']);
Passing Orders To Details
use GuzzleHttp\Client; use Kompakt\B3d\Details\Endpoint\Resource\Order\Endpoint; $orderEndpoint = new Endpoint( new Client(), '<stock-endpoint-url>', '<api-key>' ); $orderData = [ ... ]; $itemData = [ ... ]; $orderEndpoint->create($orderData, $itemData);
Working Examples
cp example/config.php.dist config.php
- Adjust
as needed
kompakt/b3d is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details