
This is an ORM package that manages the persistence of database CRUD operations.

dev-master 2015-11-06 21:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-10 15:20:53 UTC


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This is an ORM package that manages the persistence of simple database CRUD operations.


PHP 5.5+ and Composer are required.

Via Composer

$ composer require kola/potato-orm
$ composer install


Create a class with the name of the corresponding table in the database. Extend the class to the base class Model under the namespace Kola\PotatoOrm.

For instance, a class for dogs or Dogs or dog or Dog table should look like this:

namespace Kola\PotatoOrm;

class Dog extends Model
  • Create and save a record to database
$dog = new Dog();
$dog->name = "Rex";
$dog->breed= "Alsatian";
$dog->origin = "Germany";
  • Find and update a record in database
$dog = Dog::find(4);
$dog->name = "Bruno";


$dog = Dog::where('name', 'Rex');
$dog->breed = "Rottweiler";
  • Delete a record
$dog = Dog::destroy(2);

Feel free to name the class as the singular of the name of the database table. For instance, User class for users table.

Note: Plurals of irregular nouns are not supported

For instance, a class Fish should map to a table fish or fishs, not fishes. And a class Child should map to a table child or childs, not children.

Supported database

Currently, only MYSQL and PostgreSQL are supported.

Work towards the support for other popular databases is in progress.

Change log

Please check out CHANGELOG file for information on what has changed recently.


$ vendor/bin/phpunit test


Please check out CONTRIBUTING file for detailed contribution guidelines.


potato-orm is maintained by Kolawole ERINOSO.


potato-orm is released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.