
Display merge requests from a user from Gitlab.

1.1.1 2019-07-01 07:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:09:45 UTC


This package shows the merge requests from your GitLab user profile.


You can install this using composer in your Laravel project:

composer require koenhendriks/gitlab-merge-requests


Add the following data to your .env file:



Run the following artisan command after setting up the configuration:

php artisan gitlab:merge-requests

By default this will get the merge requests that have been merged in the last 7 days. You can pass in a integer in the first argument to get merge requests from a longer period of time.

Get MR's from last 2 weeks:

php artisan gitlab:merge-requests 14

Get MR's from last 2 weeks with specific labels:

php artisan gitlab:merge-requests 14 --labels=feature --labels=bug

For all options use the -h option provided by Laravel.

php artisan gitlab-merge-requests -h
      --wip[=WIP]              Filter merge requests against their wip status. 'yes' to return only WIP merge requests, no to return non WIP merge requests [default: "no"]
      --state[=STATE]          Return all merge requests or just those that are opened, 'closed', 'locked', or 'merged [default: "merged"]
      --order_by[=ORDER_BY]    Return requests ordered by 'created_at' or 'updated_at' fields. [default: "created_at"]
      --sort[=SORT]            Return requests sorted in 'asc' or 'desc' order. [default: "desc"]
      --labels[=LABELS]        Return merge requests matching labels. 'None' lists all merge requests with no labels. 'Any' lists all merge requests with at least one label. Predefined names are case-insensitive. (multiple values allowed)
      --scope[=SCOPE]          Return merge requests for the given scope: 'created_by_me', 'assigned_to_me' or 'all'. [default: "all"]
      --milestone[=MILESTONE]  Return merge requests for a specific milestone. 'None' returns merge requests with no milestone. 'Any' returns merge requests that have an assigned milestone. [default: "any"]