
Rich response object plugin.

1.4.3 2023-04-17 17:30 UTC


 _     _  _____  ______  _______  _____   _____  _______
 |____/  |     | |     \ |______ |     | |_____] |______
 |    \_ |_____| |_____/ |______ |_____| |       ______|

rro | rich response object


Add composer package:

$ composer require kodeops/rro:dev-master

Copy function helpers to your project within your namespace (recommended, not mandatory):


Add rro-helpers.php to composer.json autoload section:

"autoload": {
   "files": [


Assuming helper functions are loaded in composer.json:

$rro = error()
  ->message('This is a sample rich response object.')
  ->data(['foo' => 'bar']);

Checking status:

if ($rro->isError()) {
  // Response contains an error payload

if ($rro->isSuccess()) {
  // Response contains a success payload

Additionaly, isError and isSuccess accepts two parameters for checking type or message content:

if ($rro->isError('type', 'error_type')) {
  // Response contains an error type equals to "error_type"

if ($rro->isError('message', 'Error message')) {
  // Response contains an error message equals to "error_type"

if ($rro->isSuccess('type', 'success_type')) {
  // Response contains a success type equals to "success_type"

if ($rro-> isSuccess('message', 'Success message')) {
  // Response contains a message equals to "Success message"

Or you can access independent whether it's an error or response:

if ($rro->response('is_type', 'error_type')) {
  // returns true if given type matches response type

if ($rro->response('is_message', 'Descriptive error message')) {
  // returns true if given message matches response message

Accessing response:

$type = $rro->response('type');
$message = $rro->response('message');
$foo = $rro->response('data', 'foo');
$code = $rro->response('code');
$add = $rro->response('add', ['bar' => 'foo']);


Building response

type(string $string)

Set the type for the response.

message(string $string)

Set the message for the response.

data(array $data)

Set the data for the response.

code(int $code)

Set the status code for the response.

trans(string $translation)

Uses the translation to set the type and the translation itself is placed in the message.

A valid translation path must be entered, if not it will throw an rroException.

Check response status


Wether the response is an error.


Wether the response is a success.

Accessing response details


Get the response type.


Get the response message.

response('data', $dot)

Get the response data array (uses dot syntax to retrieve specific key).

Example: response('data', 'user.id')


Get the response code.

response('add', array $data)

Add more items to the data array (will be automatically merged to existing data).

response('is_type', $type)

Wether the response type equals to the parameter sent.

response('is_message', $message)

Wether the response message equals to the parameter sent.

Render response

HTML raw code toHtml()

Will output the message and type in HTML as follows:

<h1>{{ $message }}</h1>
<h3><code>{{ $type }}</code></h1>

So this snippet:

return success()
	->message('Item successfully updated!')

will produce:

<h1>Item successfully updated!</h1>

If type is not set, h3 tag will not be rendered.

Render to array toArray()

Render response to a simple array (otherwise responds with an instance of rro class).

So this snippet:

return success()
  ->message('Item successfully updated!')

will produce:

  "response" => [
    "type" => "item_updated",
    "message" => "Item successfully updated!",

For Laravel response toResponse()

Render response in Laravel way.